Powerplay Faction: Zemina Torval Cycle 63 Priorities and Status (updated daily)

Priorities for 13th of August
This post will be updated daily between 11th of August to the 17th of August, usually at 07-09 UCT or 20-22 UCT and increasing in frequency closer to the end of the cycle.

Previous Cycle Debrief
Not our best cycle. We dropped to position five, lost our expansions and ended up with only 67 CC in surplus.

Join our community!
The Torval Strategy posts are presented by the Torval Strategy Team, an economically-minded, research-driven think thank. Here present what systems to support under the Control tab under Galactic Powers for the greatest impact. If you are completely new to powerplay, be sure to check out our guide or What you can do here.

If you dedicated yourself to Zemina Torval you belong on the Torval Community website where we deal with everything else that is important for Zemina Torval. To get access to the website, please post us a private message in which you include (1) your e-mail address and (2) a screenshot of your right-side monitor to see your commander name and that you are pledged to Zemina Torval. To give us your screenshot you can use an image website such as postimg.org or imgur to upload your screenshot so you can send us the link together with your e-mail.

You can also join the discord; Zemina Torval Discord.

Understanding the mechanics of powerplay is vital to Torval being successful and so the guidance posted here represents what we believe to be the best course of action for our community to undertake. However, it is the contribution and efforts, no matter how small that make Torval a success story. Thank you!

Status Update - Updated 7 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
We do not intend to prepare or expand anything in this cycle. Cease activity in Dalam please.

Fortification Plan (Control)
Central to powerplay is Fortification. This is the powerplay activity listed under the tab in Galactic Powers called "Control". Each week we fortify our preferred high value systems. We aim to complete fortification of these systems each week.

Ignore "Under Threat" - we want large haulers (> 400) to always focus on systems with the lowest % and smaller vessels (< 200) should focus on systems with the highest %. Early in the cycle we try to spread the fortification, with some extra focus on systems with a high LY distance from Synteini. From Tuesday onwards, all our commanders regardless of ship capacity should focus on completing system fortifications based on their Value.

Ac Yax Baru115.691030%9,708
HIP 10701070.8812031%4,591
GL 606.1 B47.811201%5,634
LFT 3741.8911819%4,463
LFT 7826.63103100%0

Avoid fortifying systems not on this list.

Fly safe Cmdrs!
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