Daytime lights.

So far really enjoying planet zoo, few things need to be ironed out but overall a very solid game. One thing I would like to suggest is the addition of daytime lighting. In planet coaster the lights worked day or night. I'm currently building an underground reptile exhibit, and would like to use some colored lighting, but alas none of the lights work during the day.

I was building an aardvark closed habitat and added some light because it was very dark since it was indoor but it did not work at day. I know it is not required for guests but it would be very welcome for aestethics.
Agreed, most the reptile exhibits I have been too are built in a cave type building and have colorful lights as you are walking through, which is what I was trying to accomplish in my zoo, to no avail because of the lighting not working during the day lol. But its still early in the games release and just like PC will probably take a bit to get into full swing with everything, but we need lights now! lol
I really really want this! Many of my habitats and the staff areas for them are inside caves and they are hardly visible during daytime (I have to make it night time when making or maintaining them because I can't see anything! in those areas at daytime because of the stupid light thing :(
I would like something like the Setting up of the Time when the Zoo is open for the Lamps and the Possibility to change it for multiple Lamps at the same time. It is awesome to have a big Cave or Tunnel but often it is too dark or Lamps would just let it look better. Also I want to build a Nocturnal-House for my Pangolins and Aardvarks and I would like to have blue Lights in it
It would be good if the lights could somehow "know" if they were indoors, like if there is a ceiling over them or something.

I'd also like them to add in nocturnal house lighting at some point, so you can do proper night-houses for animals like the aardvark (and future animals).
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