Buildings & Attractions Deluxe/Super Deluxe Hotel

Your Feature Request / Idea
This was a topic I brought up in the comments of a recent BestInSlot video. We've got multiple option for pretty much every other park function but only one uninspired hotel. I'd really like to see another hotel options. A deluxe hotel with a pool and/or super deluxe hotel with a full water park. Each hotel could have an increased energy require as well as the necessary increased footprint.
A variety of guest accommodation would be what I'd like to see. So yeah a Deluxe hotel with greater capacity and being visibly more luxurious and also taking up more space and power would be cool. Vice-versa maybe also add a lodge-type hotel which is small, but more natural in looks for those who want to create more of a safari/botanical gardens style park.
It's a nice idea for sure. A bigger hotel with more capacity would help certain things, but a smaller one may be even more useful, due to the limited space we currently have in the game. The normal hotel itself is quite large and one of the biggest pains to place, so a smaller one could be placed more frequently and easily in times where you lack space.
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