Devs, think on this please

Please devs... implement tractor beams. i hate that limpet mechanic. theres some video below to help you with the concept [smile][smile]

I don't care how it works, bring it. The idea that I need to use TWO modules to scoop things in space is definitely not fun.

I would never ever run a collector controller or cargo on anything that doesn't trade or mine primarily, so I resign myself to scooping stuff the manual way and of course I've gotten pretty decent at it, it's not that bad a chore. However, the new requirements to pick up basically every material you see (as all are now useful for trading), is going to compound this problem for those of us who don't like to rely on limpets.

It IS a QoL thing, it IS reasonable in the Elite continuum and it SHOULD be a thing. My 2c.
The video was saying something about the possibility of using it for artificial legs would be much easier with artificial gravity on a ship...>.>
So if you have an array of loudspeakers the size of an Anaconda, you could maybe hover a perfectly spherical bag of milk? Sounds good.
Tractor beam? No thanks..... But a harpoon type mechanism to grapple onto stuff which takes a bit of skill ? Sounds like an interesting compromise to me and could maybe leveraged to other features later on down the line (derelict ship salvage perhaps)
Limpets are just another aspect of this game that could work well but were not developed.

From day one, I wanted limpets that could be reprogrammed and used as required... Now we can print space fighter planes, we should be bloody well able to print a tiny limpet on demand. The idea that we have to carry tonnes of limpets when we SLFs can be used 100 times each is bizarre.
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I don't care how it works, bring it. The idea that I need to use TWO modules to scoop things in space is definitely not fun.

I would never ever run a collector controller or cargo on anything that doesn't trade or mine primarily, so I resign myself to scooping stuff the manual way and of course I've gotten pretty decent at it, it's not that bad a chore. However, the new requirements to pick up basically every material you see (as all are now useful for trading), is going to compound this problem for those of us who don't like to rely on limpets.

It IS a QoL thing, it IS reasonable in the Elite continuum and it SHOULD be a thing. My 2c.

It must be annoying when you complete a combat mission and don't have space for a commodity reward? :p

At a guess, the current system is intended to provide "balance" by separating quality and capacity.
Basically, you could fly a CM3 with a single limpet controller and spend hours collecting stuff as long as you have enough cargo space for limpets.
Conversely, you can fly an Annie stacked with collectors and not be able to spend much time collecting stuff if you haven't got room for limpets.

As with many other things, it's all about balancing and compromises.

Course, a "tractor beam" could certainly work in the same way that the game manages to work with guns and lasers.
If it wasn't balanced properly, nobody would consider using a projectile weapon 'cos it'd always be preferable to use a laser which doesn't need ammo.
As it is, lasers aren't as powerful and they come with a penalty so the system works, mostly.
A tractor beam could use more power and only be capable of targeting one item at once, or whatever.
That way, miners would probably still prefer to use limpets but other people might want to fit a small tractor beam for those "just in case" situations.
Tractor beam? No thanks..... But a harpoon type mechanism to grapple onto stuff which takes a bit of skill ? Sounds like an interesting compromise to me and could maybe leveraged to other features later on down the line (derelict ship salvage perhaps)

I like this even better.
Tractor beam? No thanks..... But a harpoon type mechanism to grapple onto stuff which takes a bit of skill ? Sounds like an interesting compromise to me and could maybe leveraged to other features later on down the line (derelict ship salvage perhaps)

I don't get bothered about limpets getting module space, I meant in the start of the post that actually limpets take too long to scoop the cargo. On an old game I played (freelancer) I hit B and the beams get all cargo at once in a limited distance. That affects directly the pirating role . The thing that makes pirating not sooo profitable is the time taken to do the role process(specially getting the cargo).
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