Is there any need to drop some many creds on type A thrusters, hmm i`m not convinced....
A cheaper types 6 would look something like this,,2-5K6u6Q3m5K3m6k,08c08c0720727Pc03w03w
And a cheaper DBE would look like this,,2-6u6u7_5K6u5K8I,07207205U7Q403w
The asp would look something like,,2-8S8S7_6u6u8S8I,0AA08c05U05U7Q403w03w
It all depends on how much cash you have and how much cargo you want to haul about.
They type 6 is a very good choice, but lack any possibility of defending itself vs a viper/ cobra.
The BDE + Asp can do this, and the Asp is a lot tougher (and more expensive) but they can be a seriously dangerous opponent with the right set up.
Its all down to a personal preference, and the size of your wallet, remember you need insurance + funds for trading. This is on a sliding scale - thus the more you want to haul, the higher your fund is req for trading. I own a Anaconda trade ship i usually have 4+ millions for trade funds (although i have a fair bit more cash) and 11 million for ship insurance!
Remember this when fitting out your ship, if you just want to run away from interdictions, that perfectly fine to have no weapons. But if you get caught, its going to hurt a LOT.
So think first, check your funds, do NOT over stretch your budget when you decide to build your ship. Use the ED shipyard builder, and mess about with various set up as its free, and you can see exactly what you are getting yourself into. and remember " S*** happens" and this can bankrupt you!