dinosaur escapes

Dear Frontier,

my dinosour all few minutes escape. The first 100 times it was quite nice to catch them and to bring them back behind the fence. But it starts to become quite annoying. I begin to spend more time with bringing my dinosaurs back home than actually play the game...

Greetings, Imo
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Dear Frontier,

my dinosour all few minutes escape. The first 100 times it was quite nice to catch them and to bring them back behind the fence. But it starts to become quite annoying. I begin to spend more time with bringing my dinosaurs back home than actually play the game...

Greetings, Imo

I suggest looking at their stats and building an enclosure to meet their needs. Some of them are not as picky, others are. I had this problem with the Dracorex and Crichtonsaurus. They basically need to be in their own enclosures. Thankfully they are small and don't need a lot of space.
I am looking at everything carefully and they seem quite happy. Nethertheless they esacape all over again which drives me crazy!
They only escape if they feel uncomfortable.
Watch their stats carefully over a while (not only mouseover stats), make sure they have plenty food/water and no line of sight to predators (fences don't break LoS)
If kept correctly some species will still break out during storms but nowhen else
You can tell if they are happy by holding mouse over them when you release them. If the comfort value starts to drop when it's out of the enclosure, then it doesn't like where it is & needs moving.

Sometimes it's trial & error, though expensive, if it's not happy in it's own enclosure, see what happens when you add 2 or 3 more - worked with my Deinonychus on Sorna
You can tell if they are happy by holding mouse over them when you release them. If the comfort value starts to drop when it's out of the enclosure, then it doesn't like where it is & needs moving.

Sometimes it's trial & error, though expensive, if it's not happy in it's own enclosure, see what happens when you add 2 or 3 more - worked with my Deinonychus on Sorna

Or you could just click the dino instead mousing over and watch stats in detail. Comfort value only drops if one of the other stats is in the red zone. This way it isn't trial and error
I just posted up a full list of dino comfort needs over in the Dinosaur and Attractions discussions area. Makes for good reference before you start incubating anything so you know how many you'll need, as well as an idea of how big an exhibit.
Link here
I also find that even if the stats are blue it's worth making sure it's not too close to red - things like forest / grassland can change as they wander, so they're happy at one minute, then they move and get annoyed. Same with socialising - I always add a couple extra (for social types), then they seem to calm down. Though there are several species that I still cant handle, so maybe you're trying to house one of the more difficult ones.
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