[Distant Worlds] Orca down!

I'm saddened to announce the loss of the Gin Palace, not sure what actually happened, logging in, I started to fall through the planets surface. Then seconds later, appeared about 100-200m above the surface falling rapidly, thrusters were not active to slow the decent. It was a disaster, beer and bits of jacuzzi were strewn over the planet's surface for miles and I don't think the dancing girls will ever be the same :(

Im just releived i didnt crash land on another cmdr! it's fortunate it happened relatively close to civilised space. I should be able to catch up with the expedition. But I don't think I'll be bringing the space bus this time. It took me 300+ jumps to get to wp2 in an Orca, I'll cry if I have to do that again!

It's not nearly as glamorous, but im currently running around the bubble in solo buying parts for an Asp :(

The good news is there is still at least one other cmdr in an Orca out there, so at least we still have a bar!
Sad to hear but we can always improvise a bar, ship exit ramp plus a couple of cargo canisters of brandy.

I have a blow up dancing girl you can borrow (BNIB ;) ), takes AA batteries.
Damn...that sucks! You didn't talk to FD re glitch causing your demise?

Now where am I going to shower and have a drink on the other side of the core?

Jokes aside...condolences cmdr

I suggest that you contact FD immediately, as its their bad code which caused the crash.

Too bad it happened though..
Damn...that sucks! You didn't talk to FD re glitch causing your demise?

Now where am I going to shower and have a drink on the other side of the core?

Jokes aside...condolences cmdr


I thought about submitting a ticket but they probably get swamped with requests and since I've not lost much in the way of credits or exploration data I'm okay with just starting out again and playing catch up. Wp2 is only 2 hours from the bubble in an Asp or Conda.

I'll throw some lavian brandy in the hold of my new ship for you. There's not much room for a bar in an Asp, but as long as there's alcohol it's workable, and since the dancing girls are now of the inflatable variety, they won't care if you've showered or not ;)

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I suggest that you contact FD immediately, as its their bad code which caused the crash.

Too bad it happened though..

It could well have been my net connection. It seems like a network lag thing where my position was off and the engine tried to compensate.
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Sadly that sounds like an old and reproted Horizon bug from beta.
We does lead to the question if it is save to explore with so many of these bugs being fatal. Distant Worlds mission is to expliore not find more system faults.

Having recently lost a Python in dock. Log in, get mission, launch and find station spining VERY fast ship destroyed.

I am starting to think ED is unstable, given the number of system crash/locks and unsave ways in which you can get destroyed. By no fault of yours.
VERY hard to continue if you are frighting system not universe.
I thought about submitting a ticket but they probably get swamped with requests and since I've not lost much in the way of credits or exploration data I'm okay with just starting out again and playing catch up. Wp2 is only 2 hours from the bubble in an Asp or Conda.

I'll throw some lavian brandy in the hold of my new ship for you. There's not much room for a bar in an Asp, but as long as there's alcohol it's workable, and since the dancing girls are now of the inflatable variety, they won't care if you've showered or not ;)

Wont be able to wash my sidey in the jacuzzi then :(

But as long as the bar is functional (and everyone has pegs on their nose) I'll be happy to sit and drink with you.

I suggest that you contact FD immediately, as its their bad code which caused the crash.

Too bad it happened though..
Agreed. The least game support can do is put you back in the system you reached. They've done it before when bugs have killed commanders far from home. They'll check the logs and should put you back.
I think we need a rule 1: Do NOT log out of the game whilst on the planet, take off and move to a safe distance then log out.
I think we need a rule 1: Do NOT log out of the game whilst on the planet, take off and move to a safe distance then log out.

I'd definately agree with that, I logged in yesterday and I was within a few metres of a type6, hate to think what would have happened if I'd spawned inside another ship!
I think we need a rule 1: Do NOT log out of the game whilst on the planet, take off and move to a safe distance then log out.

I believe there is already a bug avoidance list that has this on.

I had an issue the other day were I recalled my ship and it attempted to land on another ship. It was was just slowly depleting its shields. I was unable to dismiss it again so I logged out to avoid disaster. Was placed at safe distance from planet on logging back in.
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Happened to me once (albeit only stuck below surface) and thankfully I got away without a scratch, by re-logging in E : D.

I fancy to spending overnights on planets, but might change this habit after reading this.
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Forum member "Cookies in space" is also in an Orca so there's hope yet that we can get Frawd washed before we all meet up! Not sure which group he plays in though :)
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Next time any cmdr logs inside a planet, log out immediately, then exit ED.
Log in with ED 1.5 (NON-HORIZONS) and you should be in orbit around planet.
Log out again, then log in to HORIZONS and you should be fine.

The above might not have saved you, who knows as it was quick for you.
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Remind me not to share an airlock with you ;)

Lol...what do you expect, when I have been in a sidey for 8 weeks? I don't have room for a teapot, let alone a shower.



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Forum member "Cookies in space" is also in an Orca so there's hope yet that Frawd can have a shower! No sure which group he plays in though :)

Or whether he'll let me in the airlock...

Next time any cmdr logs inside a planet, log out immediately, then exit ED.
Log in with ED 1.5 (NON-HORIZONS) and you should be in orbit around planet.
Log out again, then log in to HORIZONS and you should be fine.

The above might not have saved you, who knows as it was quick for you.

Nice tip, have not heard that one. +1

But really if your are fighting the program you can not win. And making any future exploring more risky until program stable.
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