DK2 really bad flicker since 2.2 :-( gutted

Hi All,

It has been a while since I have played ED Horizons (been working waaay to hard) but previopusly I have played for hours and hours at a time on my DK2 right since the initial beta. Just updated to the latest 2.2 but the game is now completely unplayable due to really bad flicker... Ive got a couple of year old PC with dual R9 290s but with a fairly pants CPU... however ED has always been fine as is pretty much any thing else I have ever installed... until now..

Just grabbed a video which shows a bit of the flicker but you can only see about 10% of the flicker on the video compared to what Im seeing in the DK2. I whacked all the GFX settings down to VR low to no avail.

Really gutted... could it simply be that the requirements CPU wise have gone up massively recently?


Bit of flickering at 00:25 but then loads at 1:25 onwards. Actually in VR its really really bad all the time.

Cheers - Mark
Yikes. Understand that would be intensely annoying.

However, it doesn't appear to be ED, and probably not the DK2 either.

I had a recent problem with even worse flickering of the image, but it ended up being a motherboard or CPU problem. It was okay in the windows desktop, but under load it was reduced to this. Your flickers do look somewhat similar to what I was 'experiencing', :x if fewer in number.

Tracking on the Rift looked fine, ED behaves as it should, just... glitching.

I hope you're not seeing the same hardware issue!

Have you recently upgraded the graphics drivers for ther 290's? Try disabling one at a time (I don't think ED uses crossfire in VR?, perhaps if one card is a bit flaky it will show up that way)

Test by removing any overclocking on your PC, and eliminating the hardware bit by bit. I ended up reinstalling Windows 10 and it still didn't go away.
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