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Your Feature Request / Idea
I am so excited for this Henry Wu DLC to come out soon. This gave me ideas for what kind of content I want to see in future DLC. One DLC that could be done is one that would be called the Claire DLC. This will have dinosaurs of course, but it will mainly focus on adding new buildings and features that specialize in entertainment. There will be missions you will do to unlock or practice with these buildings and features.
Here are ideas for buildings and features that could be part of this DLC. JPOG stands for Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
• More cosmetic genes for dinosaurs (ex. Blue skin for Velociraptors)
• Cosmetic skins for buildings and vehicles
• Viewing Dome (ex. JPOG)
• Balloon Tour (ex. JPOG)
• Tour Vehicles from Jurassic Park
• Viewing vents (ex. JPOG)
• Restrooms
• Fountains
• Trash cans
• Benches
• Autolure: Being able to set this near viewing buildings and attracting dinosaurs to it. You can set the duration, frequency of usage, what dinosaurs to attract, whether to have it be manual or automatic. (From JPOG)
• Guest Comfort: Guests have stats like the dinosaurs and where that level is at affects your ratings and profit.
• More Terrain Editing: Sand, Swampy,etc.
• Beaches and Swimming pools: Similar to the ones in Jurassic World near the Mosasaur lagoon
• Golf Course
• Botanical Garden
• Cretaceous cruise
• Petting Zoo
• Rest Area (ex. JPOG)
• More upgrades to buildings (ex. Increasing viewing radiuses of buildings that have it)
• More variety and features to the items sold at food and souvenir buildings (ex. Having a primary and secondary items slots to put items in for sale)
• More upgrade slots to buildings (ex. Hatchery)
• More contracts
• An island building mode: Basically you can create your own island and customize the way you want it to look. When you create it, it will be in either sandbox mode or real mode

Another DLC that could happen is one that could be called the Owen DLC. This will be similar to the DLC above, but focused on Security.
Here are ideas for buildings and features that could be part of this DLC
• Sentry Turret: Can use lethal or non-lethal ammo against dinosaurs. Can be automatic or remote-controlled. (From JPOG)
• Different weapons: ACU can use weapons that either kill or stun dinosaurs instead of putting them to sleep.
• Security cameras: Place on the around the park and they can alert you if a dinosaur is uncomfortable or trying to escape. You can also look through them.
• Avoidance beacon: Creates a radius around it that prevents dinosaurs from going near it.
• Lysine Gene
• More helicopter abilities: Rescuing visitors, deploying dino lures, herding dinos with sound, etc.
• Moats around fences
• Invisible fencing like in the movie Jurassic World. Can use rangers to inject tracking implants into dinosaurs you want to stay within the invisible fence. Will shock the dinosaurs if they try to break out.
• Arena: A place that people spend money on to see dinosaurs play or fight with each other.
• A gene mod that allows you to direct the Indoraptor like in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

This list is stuff I want have in either of these DLCs
• Immunization genes: Giving resilience genes that can make a dinosaur immune to a specific disease
• Genes that can increase the viability of a dinosaur.
• Increase island size
The Ideas & Feature Requests forum are meant for asking only one idea per thread, therefore I closed your thread.
That means Absolutely no Wishlists or groups of requests. One request per thread.

Of course you can make multiple threads with each one idea but make sure none of the ideas are already posted here.
It's purpose is to see what individual ideas will be most popular and at the meantime it's more accessible for the Developers to see what the community wants.
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