Horizons Dream Federal Corvette buy locations?

I am now rich enough to buy my dream Federal Corvette(that means it has my ideal loadout). BUT the only problem is that i do not know where to find the parts or the ship itself. When I was buying the part for my dream anaconda i rember it took me a long time to finally find all the parts i wanted. So i was wondering is anyone knew where i could find the parts and ship anywhere close to SOL. Here is the link to the loadout i want for the parts. THX for any help.
http://coriolis.io/outfit/federal_c...8Z5A=.Aw18Z5A=?bn=Federal Corvette Dream Ship
I got mine at Founders World but you have to have a permit for that. Clink on this link and go to "Stations" and see if this helps....I think you can get a Corvette in Li Yong-Rui space at 15% discount on ship and parts.

BTW....you will need heat sinks if you are running shield banks and your build has two frame shift interdictions. Replace second one with a discovery scanner which is needed if you are going to land on planets. It's not needed to land on planets but if you go into a system you don't have data on....you will be out of luck.

good luck.
got my at my base Wolf 906, its a hi tech station so it sells most of the parts for it.

otherwise you have to make 1 jump to Xihe or fusang.
Alot of li yong rui systems have it for sale with discount, I bought mine at
HR 1257 for 156 mil. They also have most parts there, rest you can buy at lembava or diagundri
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