Dune Stellar Tour

The homestar for the Ixian Technocracy is here too: Alkalurops (although Ix is supposed to be the 9th planet, that's not quite there in the Star Forge)

Bene Tleilax home is Theta Eridani (Thalim is the Arabic name used in Dune), in game is Acamar. Supposedly a single planet, but ingame Star Forge has it as a triple system with many planets
It's not an "easter egg". It's an actual, in-real-life star originally known in English as "Arrakis", also known as Mu Draconis. Though the International Astronomical Union recently adopted the official spelling of "Alrakis" for this star, ED retains the "traditional" spelling.
TIL, thanks for that.
Caladan : House Atreides : 3rd planed of Delta Pavonis. In-game there's an actual earth-like at that location. Bonus!
While it may be a "close match", given that it was essentially a random pairing, the two planets are nevertheless at opposite ends of the spectrum in their respective lores. Caladan is a green, watery planet. In ED lore (and in the system description), Reagan's Legacy is a dry desert planet, closer to Arrakis than Caladan in environment. ED simply hasn't encoded any different appearances for desert, jungle and tundra Earth-likes yet.
You're missing out in this case though. Best cinema experience I've had in years.
Really? Best cinematic experience, like seriously? I litterally just watched it yesterday and finished making a review just now.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnRcqDyurzM

Maybe it's unfair of me to hold to the same standard as Raised by Wolves, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, The Expanse etc... you know, the good stuff. But I honestly couldn't find the plot or any character that's not 1 dimensional... let alone has story to tell. Nothing made sense to me and people apparently rated it 8.2 on IMDB.
Well, different people have different opinions and that's fine. Even if somebody dislikes the plot, it's only one part of the whole experience imho.
If you've not read the novel, you get just a half experience from the movie, IMO.

Yeah, but here's my counter argument.

For a movie that not only references itself in its own trailer as the new Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, it could have followed the footsteps of those movies and spent 5min on exposition and character introduction for those who haven't read the novel(s).

For a movie that's 2½ hours long, cutting 5-10min of CGI sightseeing in order to get viewers onboard would have gone a very long way.

Both SW and Lotr did this, Jackson and even Lucas knew how important it was. WB expecting people to buy the book and re-watching a 2½ hour long movie is unrealistic.
For a movie that not only references itself in its own trailer as the new Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, it could have followed the footsteps of those movies and spent 5min on exposition and character introduction for those who haven't read the novel(s).

For a movie that's 2½ hours long, cutting 5-10min of CGI sightseeing in order to get viewers onboard would have gone a very long way.
Exactly. No need to argue, leaving (too) much unexplained is the otherwise very good movie's biggest flaw in my opinion. Especially if they want to appeal wider audience than people who already are fans of the franchise.
Yeah, but here's my counter argument.

For a movie that not only references itself in its own trailer as the new Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, it could have followed the footsteps of those movies and spent 5min on exposition and character introduction for those who haven't read the novel(s).

For a movie that's 2½ hours long, cutting 5-10min of CGI sightseeing in order to get viewers onboard would have gone a very long way.

Both SW and Lotr did this, Jackson and even Lucas knew how important it was. WB expecting people to buy the book and re-watching a 2½ hour long movie is unrealistic.

They really should have had some introduction of some sort.
The book has the Annexes, the map and the glossary of terms at the end - so people have an introduction to the universe, the world, the characters and the terms used.
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