Earning Merits with Aisling Duval

I have completed 4 of the missions for Aisling Duval and I'm trying hard to get my merits up in Sosong, currently at 57842/288728 but conflict zones have decreased and only a few of the other types Power collection and combat appear sparingly now, is there another system or systems where the pickings are better, so that I can quickly finish this final mission and get back to what I like to do, with all the new engineering options i.e Prismatic Shields and all the other stuff like Packhounds etc, the Frontier programmers love for grind makes everything in to a monotony, just to earn merits! (in massive numbers) for Aisling Duval, the number of kills you have to complete to get all of the merits available is ridiculous.

Please HELP!!

Fly Safe Commanders, if you can!
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I have completed 4 of the missions for Aisling Duval and I'm trying hard to get my merits up in Sosong currently at 57842/288728 but conflict zones have decreased and only a few of the other types Power collection and combat appear now, is there another system or systems where the pickings are better, easier so that I can quickly finish this final mission and get back to what I like to do, with all the new engineering options i.e Prismatic Shields and all the other stuff like Packhounds etc, this Frontier programmers love for grind makes everything in a monotomy, just to earn merits! (in massive numbers) for Aisling Duval, the number of kills you have to complete to get all of the merits available is ridiculous.
Could you put a screenshot of the goal in? From the numbers, this sounds like a Bounty Hunting task, so you should be able to go to any Resource Extraction Site in the system and kill a few pirates (or one big one) there to finish it off.

Note: to be efficient, go for the normal pirates, the ones attacking the miners, not ones aligned specifically to an enemy Power. Power enemies don't have large bounties - you get rewarded in other ways for killing those - it's the normal pirates that pay out well in these terms. A single medium-sized mid-rank pirate ship can have a bounty of 288728 or higher on its own.

(If you've been trying to complete a Bounty Hunting goal by killing Power enemies ... yes, that will take absolutely ages to complete. On the bright side, it will have earned you a load of merits in the background, so when you do complete it you should go up a lot of ranks at once)
Hi Ian Doncaster, Thanks again for checking out my posts, in my last posts you where very helpful. especially the last mission or what I call no.4 I'm now on my last mission which is the first mission at the top of the list, 'Collect bounties in reinforcement systems', my current merits stand at 49500 of 288728 and my rank should be quite high once the mission is completed. To get to the highest rank you need 783,000! so I may get there by late next year...
Where do you find regular pirates, I know they are everywhere, but which places are full of them? or at least have more than most places.
Where do you find regular pirates, I know they are everywhere, but which places are full of them? or at least have more than most places.
Resource Extraction Sites are the most reliable - you find those around ringed planets, so if you're still in Sosong, then Sosong ABC 1 probably has some.

If that doesn't work out, "Weapons Fire" signal sources should be present in almost any system and all have at least one pirate.

And if you can't find any of those, load up a few tonnes of valuable cargo and fly around your systems until one finds you.
Thanks Ian, I followed your suggestions and I am at level 11 with Aisling Duval, and just received 10 care boxes with loads of stuff that I can use in engineering, looks like I eventually made it, thank you and the space Gods, the wait and the incomprehensible missions were really frustrating!!! But I eventually got there, now I can just start enjoying the game. Thanks to you.
I'm now at rank 16, doing a lot of hunting in my fully engineered, fully Reinforced Hull, and full turreted beam laser Federal Corvette so when do we get access to the new engineering modules i.e Prismatic Shields, Packhounds etc it seems to be a bit of a Marathon, but I'm slowly getting there, I think
I'm now at rank 16, doing a lot of hunting in my fully engineered, fully Reinforced Hull, and full turreted beam laser Federal Corvette so when do we get access to the new engineering modules i.e Prismatic Shields, Packhounds etc it seems to be a bit of a Marathon, but I'm slowly getting there, I think
First one (for you, Prismatics) is at rank 34 so you're almost half-way there.

Packhounds would be rank 70 for you.
Thanks Ian, so still quite a lot of grind to do before I will be free to continue what I enjoy doing, I may take a break and do some mining so I can increase my raw materials, I've got plenty of Data and Manufactured materials but running low on Raw. How far are you into Powerplay 2?, probably further than me...
I may take a break and do some mining so I can increase my raw materials
If you can find a system with a suitable pristine ring in your Power's space and sell to a market in the same system, you can get potentially quite a lot of merits for that too. You have to mine and sell in the same system, though, which limits your choices a bit.

How far are you into Powerplay 2?, probably further than me...
Just over rank 50 - so I get a few modules, but I didn't pick my power for its modules so none of them are ones I'm particularly interested in at the moment.
I got to level 86 in three weeks, and managed to get my home system to fortified state in a single week. All I do is scan ships, hazres hunting, and power play supplies to other systems. Currently getting 130% bounty bonus, so one hour in a hazres will nett about 120 million credits. I've moved to a stronghold system, and busy fortifying other systems. I only do the weekly duties if they are quick, after week one, you can ignore duties that are a royal pain in the butt or even illegal.
I'm currently on my second round of 5 missions for Aisling Duval, (complete the first set of 5 missions, Thanks to Ian Doncaster) I have completed 3 of the missions but I still have 2 left and I have no idea on how to complete them.

1. Recover goods from Undermining System, obtain 9 units of power goods from undermining system and deliver to friendly system collect from locked containers in Oddysey settlements, (This sounds like a walking mission, which I have never done, nor will I, so is it O.K to not complete missions like this?)

2. Distribute Power Malware to undermining system 12 items (I have 30 in my ship. tried lots of settlements keep getting trespass fines! so not completed)

Frontier don't make it very clear for simpletons like me, I used to be an IT Consultant before I retired, I thought I was fairly intelligent....Evidently Not!!

Any help would go a long way so that I can progress and get Prismatics, and Packhounds and stuff.
1. Recover goods from Undermining System, obtain 9 units of power goods from undermining system and deliver to friendly system collect from locked containers in Oddysey settlements, (This sounds like a walking mission, which I have never done, nor will I, so is it O.K to not complete missions like this?)

2. Distribute Power Malware to undermining system 12 items (I have 30 in my ship. tried lots of settlements keep getting trespass fines! so not completed)
These are both Odyssey missions, so if you're not interested in that it's perfectly fine to skip them, do something else, and see if you get ones you want to do next week.
Thanks Ian, I don't enjoy on foot work in Elite Dangerous, I prefer Tomb Raider and Assassins Creed for that type of gameplay. Elite Dangerous is a space ship simulator, it just does work that way for me.
That's how I feel about it too. If you can do without the additional Settlements that appear with Odyssey and you really don't do on-foot at all, you can use the launcher to just play Horizons instead. That way you don't get offered full-on Odyssey stuff at all.

I play Horizons and I get a "meh, the planet's not landable" much more often than I get a "meh, I really need that one Odyssey-only settlement" so it'll probably work for you...

(inb4: I have bought Odyssey, I just don't play it at the mo. Once Power Play is finally stable, I might actually invest the time in learning it properly)
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