Easiest way home?

I'm about 15Kylies out from inhabited space and getting read to make my way back in the next week or so.
Ideally want to get back just before 1.3 hits.
Is there anyway to easily find on the map where the closes inhabited system is?
Because to be honest I haven't got a clue which way to head back at the moment.
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At 15,000LY it doesn't matter if you end up +/- 100LY
Just aim for Lave, a quiet system around there is a good finish point and easy to get back into civilisation.

I literally just got back and have spent just over 1 hour selling data. :S
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Cheers, was either thinking of aiming for Lave, Sol or Achenar, I left from Sol, but Ive meandered up, down, left, right, diagonal etc etc
Cheers, was either thinking of aiming for Lave, Sol or Achenar, I left from Sol, but Ive meandered up, down, left, right, diagonal etc etc

Pick any of them. When you get close enough to encounter systems with "first to find" tags you can start worrying about choosing where to dock.
Yes but after choosing the faction you want to sell the data to, I'd go for the nearest system. I was interdicted a lot as soon as I hit human space. Can any explorer confirm that feeling or did I just have a bad day?
Maybe you should go solo for that few jumps *ducks*
Yes but after choosing the faction you want to sell the data to, I'd go for the nearest system. I was interdicted a lot as soon as I hit human space. Can any explorer confirm that feeling or did I just have a bad day?
Maybe you should go solo for that few jumps *ducks*

Must have had a bad day, I jumped straight into Baijungu next to Lave cluster since the station is about 27LS from the star, no interdictions or anything despite being in Open.
If you fear interdiction i think the best way is to fly to a permit system with high security like Sol. If you don't linger that much near a star, and fuel scoop in unexplored system with 0 inhabitants, it's not like you will be interdicted there.
Going to the first station of civilized bubble can be way more risky than making another 100Ly.

If you want to just dump the data and go out away, you can filter gal map for alliance or governament type, then filter also for population and bring the max population slider little bit down, then point the civilized bubble and navigate toward it with your map cursor, and you should spot the first system with a station in your direction.

If you want to maximize influence gain and want to sell the data in several different systems, i noticed that flying to stations with millions data seems to increase interdiction rate. So i usually switch to combat ship (all exploration data is transferred in it) and then fly around at my leisure.
Im not bothered about factions etc, Im already allied with Federation and Empire and have high rank in both, its more a fear of being interdicted by either a human or an NPC.
Not gonna go into solo, haven't since starting ED and wont be doing any time soon.
Just thinking of the quickest and easiest way of getting back, as I say going to wait till 1.3 announcement date is made and head back to get home just before it goes live.
Dont want to come back after its gone live and have some kind of issue relating to 1.3 and lose data or anything like that.
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I was interdicted a lot as soon as I hit human space.

I was interdicted about 30 seconds after hitting the first inhabited system on my last return. So there I was in my unarmed, barely-shielded, lo-spec-power-distributor (i.e. no boosting) Asp, running and screaming like a little girl from a Novice Sidewinder.
I'm still packing my Medium Beam Lasers and Multicannons on my Asp and am 25Kly from home. I see it more of a multifunction ship rather than an explorer. I can jump 29.6ly at a time and easily made it to Sag A*. Planning on hitting the 5000 system mark before coming home, so around 1700 still to go. Looking forward to a bit of pew pew (if I can remember what to do after a month).
I'm about 15Kylies out from inhabited space and getting read to make my way back in the next week or so.
Ideally want to get back just before 1.3 hits.
Is there anyway to easily find on the map where the closes inhabited system is?
Because to be honest I haven't got a clue which way to head back at the moment.

What I do is filter the stars by allegiance, then remove the "none". That will show you inhabited systems only. Then route to somewhere and just pick the first inhabited system you come to. Try to avoid anarchy systems as they have more pirates...
I believe canopus is usually a good bet if you're not sure, as its got a station for repairs whilst still being a fair way outside what most people consider the inhabited bubble... may be some even further out now, it's been a very long time since I was anywhere near inhabited space so not sure if there's been a CG in the meantime thats lead to more station building and expansion...
What I do is filter the stars by allegiance, then remove the "none". That will show you inhabited systems only. Then route to somewhere and just pick the first inhabited system you come to. Try to avoid anarchy systems as they have more pirates...

Returning from my aborted neutron star farming run I went to Kraft Depot at HIP 100967 (Empire, Dictatorship) to sell my data. Edge of the bubble, Kraft Depot is only 58ls from the entry point and it's an outpost so none of that tricky trying to get through the slot nonsense! Then I took the short stroll across to the opposite side of the bubble to 'home' to upgrade my fuel scoop.
Mh, it makes sense to sell the data to different minor factions of your chosen allegiance (to push reputation if you need it and got loads of data to sell). Of course I would instantly refit my ship to full safety after the first dock.
Exphiay (near Canopus) is my favourite place to stop off for a quick repair before heading back to preferred faction stations. It has two staions there about 900ls from parent star both with repair facilities. Its far from anywhere and the likely hood of being blasted by a pirate before selling your exploration data is minimal.
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