ECM 2023 - The "Elite Community Meet" - 10th August, Wokingham (UK)

I booked in April but haven't received my e-ticket yet - do I need to chase for it?
if your name's down - you're coming in!

A couple of overzealous spam filters got trigger happy when bookings went mad

I can look it out for you if you want and send a copy via PM - ping me your details

We'll be sending out reminders closer to the event as well.
Lighting for the Artemis room has been sorted - machines moving to the marvellous Zaphodbeeble for testing/prep
Room layout changes have been talked about
Audio/main stage stuff is in the hands of the wonderful Little_Grey
BeetleJude has her space allocated for the live artwork
Hybrid Music system is working and prepared
Wheels, Pedals, Shifters and stands all sorted for the racing
Elite playing Xbox commanders who want some CqC have been accommodated and have their own space....
Steamdeck Elite 4 player wing space set aside
Mariokart training has begun
and a tape version of Elite for the Electron has been sourced!

1 month to go until we can all get together for a beer and a bite and a laugh
Hi all,
just a quick note for those travelling by rail.
Reading station, Wokingham station and Bracknell station are all on the Reading Bus 4 route (Also 4X).
There‘s a stop outside the hotel, so quite convenient.
Bus service is about every 15 minutes daytime, reduces in the evening and IIRC last bus about 23:00
Thirded. A huge thank you to Cmdr Vingtetun for all the time and effort put into organising this event and to everyone who contributed to helping making this a fun weekend. I had a fantastic time and as always it was lovely seeing/meeting everyone there. Thank you!
Yes, this was a great ECM event (again).
Many thanks to Cmdr Vingtetun and the crew for all the organisation and the venue for taking care of us all during our stay, and all for worthy causes.
Kudos for folks bringing their own kit to the event for folks to try out and a great raffle too. My son was chuffed to win a Hutton Mug but we had to laugh when the next ticket drawn out was for the 3D printer!.
Special thanks to Normal Lovett ('Holly') for singling me out about my hair (or lack of it - lol) which was a right laugh. It was also great of him to join in a selfie afterwards with me and my son next to my 6-axis motion simulator (which he was pretty impressed with). Was good meeting everyone for a great weekend.
Until the next time!
cmdr Blastard
with Norm Selfie.jpg
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Volunteer Moderator
I completely agree that this was another fantastic event, and a great weekend. Honestly one of the best I think.

Huge thanks Vingtetun and everyone who brought their kit, helped set up, and made the atmosphere so amazing. I got to put some faces to people I've known for years, met some Cmdrs who's screenshots I've admired for a long time, saw someone I haven't seen since the launch event 9 years ago! Oh and just the minor fact of not knowing Normal Lovett was going to be there and bumping into him in a corridor and getting the opportunity to thank him for everything he's done 😊

So many great memories made and stories to tell. If only we could tell all of them... ;)
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