ED:O vs LG

GG FDev releasing a new stand alone FPS game for half the initial asking price of the Elite addon. I look forward to the plethora of amazing features added to this novel product while your flagship addon is barebones for twice the price.


The irony of course being I was only made aware of this game when I went to ED:O's support page to report yet another bug...

Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
The free Beta starts tomorrow
Elite vs LG? I thought they made domestic appliances. Can't compete with that.

I can be angry at Odyssey for not being even remotely working as expected, but that's nothing compared to my anger at LG. Retiring from the smartphone market has been an awful move, they made great devices. My G7 is built like a little tank and sadly won't have a successor.

Oh, also, I absolutely love the comedic factor of misinformed outrage.
I can be angry at Odyssey for not being even remotely working as expected, but that's nothing compared to my anger at LG. Retiring from the smartphone market has been an awful move, they made great devices. My G7 is built like a little tank and sadly won't have a successor.

Oh, also, I absolutely love the comedic factor of misinformed outrage.

I can't comment on the first point, but on the second - it's brilliant right! Not enough of it here of course ;)
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