Discussion [EDDI] Celsius instead of Kelvin

Is there a way to set EDDI up to convert temperature from Kelvin to Celsius?

I've searched, but couldn't find the solution.
Please look into the "Body atmosphere report" script.
There you will find a setting option and the calculation.

{_ Preferences _}
{set reportAtmoPressure to 0}   {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about the atmospheric pressure. _}
{set reportAtmoTempScale to 0}  {_ Set to 0 if you want to hear about temperatures in Kelvin _}
                                {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about temperatures in Celsius _}
                                {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about temperatures in Fahrenheit _}
                                {_ Set to 3 if you don't want to hear about the temperature of the body _}

{_ Define functions for converting temperature scales _}
{set ToCelsius(kelvin) to: {round(kelvin - 273)}}
{set ToFahrenheit(kelvin) to: {round((kelvin-273)*9/5 + 32)}}
{set TempCalc(kelvin) to:
    {if reportAtmoTempScale = 0: {round(kelvin)}}
    {if reportAtmoTempScale = 1: {ToCelsius(kelvin)}}
    {if reportAtmoTempScale = 2: {ToFahrenheit(kelvin)}}

{_ Name our temperature scale _}
{if reportAtmoTempScale = 0: {set tempscale to: Kelvin}}
{if reportAtmoTempScale = 1: {set tempscale to: degrees Celsius}}
{if reportAtmoTempScale = 2: {set tempscale to: degrees Fahrenheit}}

{_ Fetch from context _}
{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}
{if !reportbody:
    {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}

{if !reportbody.name || reportbody.name = "":
    I'm not sure which body you are asking about.
Please look into the "Body atmosphere report" script.
There you will find a setting option and the calculation.

{_ Preferences _}
{set reportAtmoPressure to 0}   {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about the atmospheric pressure. _}
{set reportAtmoTempScale to 0}  {_ Set to 0 if you want to hear about temperatures in Kelvin _}
                                {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about temperatures in Celsius _}
                                {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about temperatures in Fahrenheit _}
                                {_ Set to 3 if you don't want to hear about the temperature of the body _}

{_ Define functions for converting temperature scales _}
{set ToCelsius(kelvin) to: {round(kelvin - 273)}}
{set ToFahrenheit(kelvin) to: {round((kelvin-273)*9/5 + 32)}}
{set TempCalc(kelvin) to:
    {if reportAtmoTempScale = 0: {round(kelvin)}}
    {if reportAtmoTempScale = 1: {ToCelsius(kelvin)}}
    {if reportAtmoTempScale = 2: {ToFahrenheit(kelvin)}}

{_ Name our temperature scale _}
{if reportAtmoTempScale = 0: {set tempscale to: Kelvin}}
{if reportAtmoTempScale = 1: {set tempscale to: degrees Celsius}}
{if reportAtmoTempScale = 2: {set tempscale to: degrees Fahrenheit}}

{_ Fetch from context _}
{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}
{if !reportbody:
    {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}

{if !reportbody.name || reportbody.name = "":
    I'm not sure which body you are asking about.
Thank you, this worked perfectly.
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