Powerplay Faction: Edmund Mahon Edmund Mahon - Week 30 Overview

Cycle Recap:

It was back to normal for Cycle 29, with significant amounts of undermining and opposition. But nothing we weren't used to, really. In the end, we came out of it with a decent CC surplus for preparations, a successful expansion into an excellent system (Urarina), and both of our preferred preparations (which are available to expand this cycle). Solid work by all involved - The sheer efficiency alone is worth noting, not to mention the dedication of having so many people around and getting the job done as we enter the holidays! For that, you all have our thanks.

This cycle's priorities are as follows:


Fortification - High priority:

PrioritySystem NameMissing meritsAllegience
2Quan Gurus2,159Federation
3San Tu4,386Federation
5Ao Kond6,785Federation
Last Update: 2015/12/28 20:32 Game Time

Remember: Fortifying above 100% does nothing.


Preparations - Medium priority:

DesirabilityNameCurrent Work Needed*True Value*AllegianceActionNearest ControlControl Allegiance
2Ross 9313573-1.1PUSHUrarinaFederation
3HIP 580562434-5.1PUSHNevermoreAlliance

Please spend nominations on the listed systems, and avoid preparing anything not listed.


Expansion - Low priority:

RankSystem NameGovernmentActionNearest ControlControl Government
1HIP 85686FederationPUSHRoborAlliance


Useful links from The Subreddit:

Teamspeak information can be found in the sidebar on the subreddit. Any Mahon pledge (or others who are interested) is more than welcome to join us there.


As always, the above are merely suggestions and not orders - The Alliance is not a military organization and pilots are free to pursue their own goals, but we definitely appreciate all the help we can get.

I will try to update the numbers in this post at least once per day, so check back regularly for updated priorities.
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Update: Prep targets added.

[Edit] And have now been changed a bit due to it being pointed out to us that one of the systems lacked a large pad.
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Just delivered 380 Legislative Records for Kokoimudji. About 50 missing to fortify this system, but I'm too tired and need to go to sleep.
If someone could, please, deliver the remainder, we should be good at 7am cycle.
Good night and godspeed!
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