Engineers Eleanor Bresa

What exactly counts as a "visit"? I just went to five different Odyssey settlements in the Colonia system but no invite. Even relogged to check.
No-one is entirely sure. Getting out on foot is likely to be needed; some people have found letting a guard scan them helps, though whether that's actually a requirement or it just means they're hanging around more of the base for longer and the condition gets met some other way, hard to say. Others have found making sure the bases are different types "helps", which again may just be superstition.

If you aren't in any hurry, open a Support ticket saying that you have visited five but don't have the unlock - they'll sort it for you, but of course it'll take a few days for them to get to the ticket.
I had visited some settlements and been scanned at some. No email.
Logged out to find threads like this one, and when I logged in (planning to get scanned on foot) the email was there. Maybe you need to relog after you visited 5?
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