Horizons Elite Dangerous: Horizons Flight Assist Off #2

You know, not to go off-topic or detract from you OP, but on a complete tangent from the flight assist bit :p does it seem a bit odd you have a "flight" assist on a gocart? :S I wish they would have had the forethought to call it something else -- maybe Traction Control, Traction Assist or something.

That is some awesome flying :)
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Fake,you cant fly so fast in Elite!!1
Damn Hacker`s!!

I try`d that too but its really hard with my Competition Pro Joystick.
Great flying, and nicely shot.

Must make a note to take a trip to Tripitaka. And buy an Eagle. Or maybe a Condor/Imp Fighter once they're available.

p.s. did I see altitude 0m at one stage during that video?
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