Elite Dangerous Livestreams - 28.04.2022

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It not the missing livestream that got my attention, but the way the announcement was worded out since it hints to more than the cancelation of a single livestream
It's the short and not very sweet nature of these posts (this isn't the first one) that concerns me. I personally don't watch the livestreams, so that's no big deal for me. Rather it's the tone of recent posts from the community managers directed towards the Elite Dangerous community (compare and contrast to say, Planet Coaster, for example) that I'm most interested in. How something is said often says as much if not more than what is said.
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This still triggers me (and the doom associated with it)
Odyssey is out for almost an year. It constantly improved for the last 11 Updates.
Update 12 is hinted to be on the make and most probably will contain bug fixes and hopefully further optimizations

What news people want? What development?
What future? (*)
The game is out. IF you like it then play it - which means the game has a future for you
If you dont like it... well, there are other games out there to be played

The only future i'm interested is where the current story arc is going - but i dont expect spoilers in live streams

*(for example i dont remember seeing any roadmaps in 2019 - that did not prevented me enjoying the game for the entire 2019 or for the subsequent years)
Agreed in terms of minimum communication necessary to play and enjoy the game but equally there's an expectation gap that Frontier should be aware of. When they have given us more communication it's been very well received and so withdrawal without any good reason given why just leaves a void that needs to be filled.

This still triggers me (and the doom associated with it)
Odyssey is out for almost an year. It constantly improved for the last 11 Updates.
Update 12 is hinted to be on the make and most probably will contain bug fixes and hopefully further optimizations

What news people want? What development?
What future? (*)
The game is out. IF you like it then play it - which means the game has a future for you
If you dont like it... well, there are other games out there to be played

The only future i'm interested is where the current story arc is going - but i dont expect spoilers in live streams

*(for example i dont remember seeing any roadmaps in 2019 - that did not prevented me enjoying the game for the entire 2019 or for the subsequent years)
This whole "if you don't like the game, play something else" argument is so cliché that it sounds like it's straight out of the whiteknight bible page 42.

Oh so if we are worried about the future direction of a live service game, we should just not say anything, abandon the franchise and move onto something else? Did you think the Star wars community just moved on without saying a word after being disappointed with the sequels? Did you think DC/Snyder fans were silent while corporate greed ruined Justice League? Did we not hear any complaints when BF2042 dropped? We complain because we care about the franchise and its future.

When you seriously see no issue with what is currently going on, no issue with a lack of any communication at all and a serious decrease in quality of content over the years, I start to question whether you really care about this game at all. You only want to defend the company and not the game. I can't wrap my head around why ...
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It’s because I got picked for Stellar Screenshots isn’t it?
Yep! All your fault!! lol Only kidding. I think a lot of people have been expecting FDEV to revert to their old way of behaving, treating their players with distain. Month without ANY information, followed by a few months with some LIMITED information (much less than they had promised) then straight back to NO information. This is no way to treat players, nor to promote what is, supposedly, a live game.
It's the short and not very sweet nature of these posts (this isn't the first one) that concerns me. I personally don't watch the livestreams, so that's no big deal for me. Rather it's the tone of recent posts from the community managers directed towards the Elite Dangerous community (compare and contrast to say, Planet Coaster, for example) that I'm most interested in. How something is said often says as much if not more than what is said.

Compare Elite Dangerous developer / community interaction to any another game, and the contrast is stark.
One livestream not happening - with notice in advance - and all this panic?

Wait until we go a couple of months without and then maybe you can start worrying.

Right now I'm more interested in knowing whether or not there's a CG this week.
It's not "one livestream". If it was one livestream, they would have said "we will be back next week", not "we will let you know when they are going to resume".

(and if it is just one livestream, then the post is poorly worded (sorry to say it Bruce).
I think the importants of future dev updates are, that many of us invest time in this games so I ask me, how much time will i put in and so the question is, should I play SC or ED for the future or stop playing and wait till the next big space game?

I want to play ED because of the immense Galaxymap and the economy but if they would be no updates on ship interiours or better atmo planets, I would consider to invest my time in something else for the future.

Bruce G

It's not "one livestream". If it was one livestream, they would have said "we will be back next week", not "we will let you know when they are going to resume".

(and if it is just one livestream, then the post is poorly worded (sorry to say it Bruce).

No apologies needed!

The post was worded carefully and precisely. We don't know when the streams will continue. When we do, we'll post to let everyone know.
No apologies needed!

The post was worded carefully and precisely. We don't know when the streams will continue. When we do, we'll post to let everyone know.
As a long term ED player (kickstarter etc), this is very disappointing, and sadly, also helps add fuel to the Doom threads.
A reason for the Demise of the streams would be handy - Even if it's bad news - As Arf often states, we'd rather give you bad news, than no news.
As a long term ED player (kickstarter etc), this is very disappointing, and sadly, also helps add fuel to the Doom threads.
A reason for the Demise of the streams would be handy - Even if it's bad news - As Arf often states, we'd rather give you bad news, than no news.
I think its perfectly clear. No news about no news is news about known and unknown unknowns bringing clarity to the update situation.
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