Elite Dangerous | Thargoid War Changes | 6th June 2024

As AX Missile Rack's are a thing, it stands to reason that AX Point Defence would be as well, problem solved, apart from another Utility mount going west,

I did not know that multiple AFMU's sped up repairs, for me that is a mute point, depleting Armour hit points has been a crusade with FDev, look as the size's of those Weapon Stabbing in the back modules, the 4 Weapon limit was a boneheaded decision in the first place, and should have just been plain scrapped, but give with one hand and mug you with the other is FDev's mantra, along with poinless grind, they really need to stop playing their game on a spreadsheet, and useing extreme outlier YouTube Video's as a baseline benchmark.

Free Space AX CZ's without a repair and rearm option that does not use rediculous amounts of and not so easy to get mats, is very limiting for me at least, I can once in a while clear a low AX with one or two AXMC's still able to fire,

Where have all the Large station AX CZ's gone, I loved doing those, and I have lost over 40 ANNIE's to prove it, A Faster MKII anyone?:ROFLMAO:

If anyone can explain how an ANACONDA with the same size Thrusters and half the Mass of a VETTE can be slower I'm all ears.

07 CMDR's
If anyone can explain how an ANACONDA with the same size Thrusters and half the Mass of a VETTE can be slower I'm all ears.
The whole ship thruster game mechanic in ED makes no sense. Why all ships have different max speed? Why there's no "thrust" parameter for thrusters? What are those nonsense parameters "optimal mass", "max mass" and "optimal multiplier"? The thruster should have only one parameter - thrust. And ship acceleration should depend only on ship mass and thruster's thrust.
Where have all the Large station AX CZ's gone, I loved doing those, and I have lost over 40 ANNIE's to prove it, A Faster MKII anyone?:ROFLMAO:

If anyone can explain how an ANACONDA with the same size Thrusters and half the Mass of a VETTE can be slower I'm all ears.
Because as before, the main indicator of war with the Thargoids remains speed. Whether or not you can quickly escape from gunfire.
So the only big ship capable of fighting the AXCZ is the Cutter, despite the fact that it has 0 maneuverability.

With the speed of ships is the same thing as with shields, I could not understand for a long time why the same shield generator gives different shield on different ships. It was explained to me 8 years ago that this module is not a shield generator but just a multiplier and each ship has its own.
It was explained to me 8 years ago that this module is not a shield generator but just a multiplier and each ship has its own.
Pretty much. A Cutter with a size 8 prismatic shield will have some seriously beefy ones, meanwhile a Type 10 with that same size will have a lot less powerful shielding.

Same thing with Corvette and Anaconda. The former has a lot more powerful shielding than the latter even when both have the same size and type of shield fitted.

… and you can technically use the other large ships than the Cutter in the CZs, you just have to be a bit more ‘creative’ about evading interceptors(such as slowing down to ~100 m/s in FA off and boosting directly in the opposite direction of the interceptor’s heading, which will make them drift way past your ship - the Basilisk especially due to its higher top speed).
Pretty much. A Cutter with a size 8 prismatic shield will have some seriously beefy ones, meanwhile a Type 10 with that same size will have a lot less powerful shielding.

Same thing with Corvette and Anaconda. The former has a lot more powerful shielding than the latter even when both have the same size and type of shield fitted.

… and you can technically use the other large ships than the Cutter in the CZs, you just have to be a bit more ‘creative’ about evading interceptors(such as slowing down to ~100 m/s in FA off and boosting directly in the opposite direction of the interceptor’s heading, which will make them drift way past your ship - the Basilisk especially due to its higher top speed).
1. Well if you use ship reboot with 50% recovery ?
On a slow ship you will get hit by lightning fast enough, once and no shield.

2. I agree, but there is also a swarm, multiple swarms ....

P.S. I often fly to these areas in a Corvette, Cutter and I find it a lot easier on the Cutter. I can fly off and clean up without any problems.
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You don't get it.
My reasoning is this:
Before, there used to be port attacks and it would last a week, a lot of commanders would fly there and do a bunch of missions every day and I think that was a big contribution to the war. I.e. Titan was opening up faster.
1. Well if you use ship reboot with 50% recovery ?
On a slow ship you will get hit by lightning fast enough, once and no shield.

2. I agree, but there is also a swarm, multiple swarms ....
Flying shieldless is an option too. For the CZs without a port, it might even be a preferable option and it is slots freed up by not having a shield + SCBs(shield cell banks).

… as for rebooting, you can lose the interceptor’s aggro (like by letting NPCs draw it off, or just getting the distance by doing the reverse flip, as I like to call it, which should get you the necessary distance to lose it… unless they change their detection rules to be further out again) and head off - it won’t be lost, because in them it will always return to the center of the conflict zone when no targets are available.

And if Frontier want the war to end faster, they’d need to do more than what they already have, because currently we are still looking at several months just to take out the remaining four Titans.
My reasoning is this:
Before, there used to be port attacks and it would last a week, a lot of commanders would fly there and do a bunch of missions every day and I think that was a big contribution to the war. I.e. Titan was opening up faster.

Before we had these port attack, they would last a week, a lot of commanders would fly there and do a bunch of missions every day BECAUSE THEY WERE FUN !

Now that fun is gone.

"Contribution to the war, we kick them out faster..." Oh c'mon, this is no Ender's Game, we are not really saving humanity - we play a video game, where one extra cool element - extra fun element - is now removed.

Bad job, ED.
Not fun, but a quick refill.
Now flying off to the side you have to fix yourself for a long time and that the most disgusting thing is to synthesize ammunition.
You can still return to the FC and back, but it is even with SCO really boring.
And if Frontier want the war to end faster, they’d need to do more than what they already have, because currently we are still looking at several months just to take out the remaining four Titans
When the 18.06 description came out, I immediately wrote - this will prolong the war. The forum didn't understand me.
And I still wonder what they think the changes in 18.06 were supposed to speed up the war.
Now flying off to the side you have to fix yourself for a long time and that the most disgusting thing is to synthesize ammunition.
You can still return to the FC and back, but it is even with SCO really boring.

Thank you for your (needless) explanation that fighting with Thargoids is still possible.
Of course, technically speaking, it is - but now in a vastly more complicated, boring, time-consuming way, with long jumps and synthesis.

Large station AX CZ's are gone, outpost AX CZ's are gone. Where you can return, repair/rearm and fight again quickly. Many people loved doing those, THEY WERE FUN.
Now it's tedious, unattractive, austere.
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Thank you for your (needless) explanation that fighting with Thargoids is still possible.
Of course, technically speaking, it is but now in a vastly more complicated, boring, time-consuming way, with long jumps and synthesis.

Large station AX CZ's are gone, outpost AX CZ's are gone. Where you can return, repair/rearm and fight again quickly. Many people loved doing those, THEY WERE FUN.
Now it's tedious, unattractive, austere.
I completely agree with you, but there are people on the forum who try to assure me otherwise, and even the swarm in their opinion does not need a better weapon against it.
This is mega boring.

Yeah, great we are wiping the bugs away 'n all, winning the war faster than Rico & Co, but we have nowhere to go to fight.
No invasions, no exciting burning stations to fight for - everything is over in a day.

I went back to the bubble to do missions against humans.

FD, I realize you plan to change AX war completely. So why don't you destroy the remaining Titans, clear this boring phase and bring on this new idea of yours. As it is now, it sucks - nothing juicy to do.
Right? I just pop in if anything new comes along or when its time to take on a titan (hoping it doesn't get wiped out before end of work day). In some ways I like that you aren't "missing out" on elite like you would a MMO. In that you won't get left behind. On the other hand, when the rare instance of something interesting comes along, its over so fast.
Just completed a low zone in one. Basically, if you ignore the swarm, it's not that hard. A few Cyclops. and a $5 million prize. If I hadn't run out of ammo I would have stayed for more Hydra :(
Single game. Having played a few battles in low AXCZ I came to the conclusion that you need to take from the weapons only machine guns and installation to destroy the swarm.
After looking at many allied ships near me, all of them have either AX missiles or AX MC. Yes they kill scouts around them, damage interceptors fast enough but only to no the heart. (I think allies have scanners, but I guess they don't use them).
Against the swarm, I've never seen any weapons. I.e. the swarm kills them.
It turns out by including 3 AXMC and a cannon against the swarm we help allies to kill scouts and destroy the swarm. As soon as the interceptor's heart is exposed we immediately shoot it down and switch back to the swarm and scouts.
Since the swarm and scouts are already less kill our allies, there are a lot of them and they are focused on the interceptor they very quickly expose their hearts.
As we run out of ammo in the first 3 machine guns, switch to the other 3.
This way the zone is closed and there are still ammo for Hydra.
I think I have clearly described.
Single mode.
Yesterday again fought in low-intensity AXCZ in the INDRA area.
There are a few questions.
1. The number of scouts seems to be limited, but it is not clear when they will run out.
2. Medusa. For some reason it seemed to me that the heart closes faster, like this has not been before. Yes, more growths interfere with it to get into it.
3. I always get the award on my FC, but yesterday for some reason he wrote minus 32%, that's a lot.
Will it be a smaller contribution to the War ?
4. Under control are essentially divided into 3 types,
а. No purple arrow.
b. Those with a purple arrow are uninhabited.
с. With purple arrow, inhabited.
In which ones is it better to do AXCZ ?
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