Elite Dangerous | Titan Cocijo enters meltdown!


Senior Community Manager

Pilot Alert:

Titan Cocijo has entered meltdown!

Complete catastrophic failure predicted at approximately 06.45AM UTC on Wednesday 18th December.

Pilots are encouraged to head to Sol to witness humanities finest hour!

CG Rewards

Community Goal module rewards have now been added to Commander storage.

All modules have also been added to Human Tech Brokers.
If/when it gets boiled up, what next?
"I look forward to the expanding stories within the game, and how players will choose to react in the future,” Braben said.
“Some shocking things are happening right now in Elite Dangerous but the consequences are not yet clear,” he teased.
Here’s hoping we’re back to discuss the game’s 20th anniversary soon, but for now, I need to get back to space trucking in celebration.

TLDR; as per DS article.
For those wondering - here are the material requirements for purchases at Tech Brokers: Source: https://imgur.com/a/7JaeXeC

Edit: formatted into a table:

Material / Class
Datamined Wake Exceptions101213151516
Electrochemical Arrays699121214
Chemical Processors91113141618
Propulsion Elements4567812
Titan Drive Component111111
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I'm in the same boat. I have replaced and engineered all old FSD in my now 39 ships with SCO, and now I'm looking at replacing them in 33 ships again. Right now I don't know if I should cheer or cry. But when it's done I'll forget the bad and remember the good, a blessing how the human brain works.

There but for the grace.... I'd only replaced a handful of drives, my laziness wrongheaded expectation of a background Sirius upgrade masterful inactivity preserves me again.
“Humanity’s finest hour” Yeah, right. A great monument to our violence and instinctual reactions of panic and rage. Almost like something we accuse our opponent of…

Now I’ll have to be up at what for me is an ungodly hour for this. Wee. (And no, coffee is not an option)

I’m sure Earth will be fine.

And I don’t need to support a mindless war caused by humans to get the fancy stuff, that is great too.
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