Elite Easter Eggs

What Easter eggs have you found in game? Most recently I stumbled on planet “Miranda 2” orbited by “Brown Coats Refuge”. A reference to Firefly. But also, and this just may be me, but I was watching Dr. Who (impossible planet/the Satan pit) and the intercom/ship announcements voice, I swear, IS Covas Verity.
Anyone else find stuff and go “hey! I understood that reference!” :p
Persephone, commonly called Rupert, was a planet somewhere in Sol's outer solar system, either in the Kuplier Belt or even as far away as the Scattered disk, It was situated past Pluto in relation to distance from the sun. Persephone was settled by the Grebulons. The planet's nickname Rupert comes from the name of the parrot of the astronomer who found the planet.




Aztlan system has a station called Tannhauser Gate orbiting a world called Nexus.




Docking computer tune is a refererence to....


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I stumbled across planet Vulcan yesterday (and Leonard Nimoy Station).
I knew it was in game, but never searched for it. Took me over 3 years to finally see it. Lol
There have been references to Blade Runner (see Pranav Antals Utopian Powerplay tab descriptions "start again in a golden land of opportunity"), Red Dwarf (in an old Glanet story they said a faulty drive plate was the cause of an explosion, the same that kills the crew in RD "The End"),

The Galnet stories I wrote in game always referenced real world scientist, philosopher or celebrity names / brands. Here are a few:

Gordon Ramsey, Jamie Oliver ("Oliver Gordon" - Pleased to Eat You | https://www.reddit.com/r/ElitePress/comments/48xw00/galnet_published_pleased_to_eat_you/ | Eating your Words https://www.reddit.com/r/ElitePress/comments/4adbd2/galnet_published_eating_your_words/ | Unpublished/ Melt in Your Mouth https://www.reddit.com/r/ElitePress/comments/49o5lj/submission_melt_in_your_mouth/

Heston Blumenthal ("Nestor Bulmington" - Greasy Spoons | https://www.reddit.com/r/ElitePress/comments/5511u5/greasy_spoons/)

Casio / Sekonda watches ("Watchmen" - https://www.reddit.com/r/ElitePress/comments/52dtnz/watchmen/)

War Of The Worlds Characters / Actors - Richard Burton, alien scream ULLLLAAAAHHH! ("Ulla Burton") Professor Ogilvy ("Ogilvy Observer") and "chances are a million to one" text reference | https://www.reddit.com/r/ElitePress/comments/518xoa/weird_science/)

Flash Gordon (film) throne scene - (Kumo Tribute Day Give and Take - https://www.reddit.com/r/ElitePress/comments/4qg39d/give_and_take/)

Ensor the Elder (Blakes 7) https://www.reddit.com/r/ElitePress/comments/4ietz5/probability_space/)

Elite Bobbleheads (Galnet story Plastic Fantastic)

Lots of scientist, philosopher, politician surnames for Utopian stories.
Can't find the picture but on the habitation ring of stations there is a building shaped just like frontiers old HQ

My screenshots are archived so take it or leave it. Ill try to describe with my limited vocabulary:

e.g. when you land, turn on external camera and position it low on the ground. Search some roof-like plate or object and look above.
Many interesting personal details from visual artists. IIRC, most of them I have founded on agricultural and industry stations.
They are not visible from above so try "walking" with the camera and look above.

And from programming point of view I am not talking about patterns applied on polygons to fill the object but hand-made pictures and signatures.
Eastern eggs are also (at least) 2 in-game stories about pirates doing things on larger scale. In one, FD forgot to put logs on beacons in the middle of the story so events cannot normally be connected (Dynamo Nest?). Second one is someone killing and stilling parts and modifying ships (story is buried somewhere deep into this forum.
Just a short hop from Frogspawn to, er....Short Hop.

There are loads of football (ok, soccer.... sheesh!) references...
Theres a planet named THFC EST... some date or other... (relates to Spurs)
and NPC names galore....
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