Elite is moving forward as NMS is too

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I am sincerely not trying to be argumentative, but you've shown where NMS is moving forward. What have you seen about ED?

Odyssey was a huge step forward. Had many issues? Yes. But was a huge step.
Unfortunately 2021 was a year to fix the DLC (the low side)
But odyssey got better and better.
We had a new srv, fleet carriers is coming; Azimuth saga is amazing and I have no doubt the we're gonna see awesome stuff with thargoids and guardians this year.

I agree that is not as fast as we want, but I do believe will be much faster and consistent as soon as they announce the "console thing".

It's nice what hello game is doing, but Elite is the best sci-fi simulator game, and will be even better this year.

@Northpin - Thanks for the reminder. I read the post, but didn't really recall it because there wasn't a lot of detail. But, you're right... they say we have some big things coming, and I'm looking forward to hearing more details.

@denispage - I totally agree with you. I see Odyssey as being a milestone event which is the foundation for future content. As you say, it had many issues (and still does, though not as major), but it's getting better and better with each update and hotfix. I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

I honestly have no idea the Azimuth saga is, but I'll look into it. I really, really hope we get more Guardian/Thargoid content. I need to become proficient in Thargoid combat, which is something I've never tried before.

@Crank Larson - Actually, it is. I don't see how pessimistic people even get out of bed... everything is hopeless.
@Northpin - Thanks for the reminder. I read the post, but didn't really recall it because there wasn't a lot of detail. But, you're right... they say we have some big things coming, and I'm looking forward to hearing more details.

@denispage - I totally agree with you. I see Odyssey as being a milestone event which is the foundation for future content. As you say, it had many issues (and still does, though not as major), but it's getting better and better with each update and hotfix. I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

I honestly have no idea the Azimuth saga is, but I'll look into it. I really, really hope we get more Guardian/Thargoid content. I need to become proficient in Thargoid combat, which is something I've never tried before.

@Crank Larson - Actually, it is. I don't see how pessimistic people even get out of bed... everything is hopeless.

Perfect way to describe Odyssey: A foundation. Thanks!

If you want, there are videos showing the story (azimuth).

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KMnx3hgvU8

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PctGiGegNy4

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwWMf73X2eI

Text resume:

Maybe this 👇
Arthur Tolmie said:

The whole team are excited to share all of the upcoming content for this year including new updates, content expansions and the next major phase in the ongoing narrative following the Azimuth Saga finale.

There are a few things that I'm a jealous of. On-foot-VR, base / settlement management just for a for a couple things. People look at the speed these new features come out and then grumble why can't we have these nice things.

They don't realise that NMS's multiplayer, background sim, planet and system models are a lot simpler than Elite Dangerous (you know, we've got all that real world science to deal with).
That's a good point, and I think Frontier will be faster as soon as they announce the destiny of Odyssey on consoles.
After that, there will be focus.
(my guessing)
Yeah. I'm thinking that once we get a clear path forward we might see more progress in the future. Especially since the majority of the developers resources have been tied into that project for the last few years. I do believe Odyssey will come to consoles tbh. Despite the PC players rhetoric we are capable of supporting it its just a matter of if fdev are wiling and able to do it.
ED development for consoles is stuck in the reverse gear since.... a looooooong time.
Brother, I'll be honest with you.
I don't think there is any development for old gen consoles for a while.
They know it doesn't work there, and now the they're planning how to say to the customers.
Maybe, there is something for the new gen.
Maybe... :)
Yeah. I'm thinking that once we get a clear path forward we might see more progress in the future. Especially since the majority of the developers resources have been tied into that project for the last few years. I do believe Odyssey will come to consoles tbh. Despite the PC players rhetoric we are capable of supporting it its just a matter of if fdev are wiling and able to do it.
New gen I think too.
In my opinion, they could create a way to make cross-save possible or (at least) migrate all from you console account to pc.

Let's see.
Source: https://twitter.com/IGN/status/1493990316306845697?s=20&t=ue47T3Wv6GkCb-jTsHMGZA

The only difference is the communication part, which I believe will be fixed soon (as we saw on 'communication update post') .
Nice to see both companies bringing more and more content to the games.

2022 will be an awesome year for sci-fi games.

Cheers and o7!
This is a positive post, and in this day and age I genuinely have no idea how to process that.

I might need a lie down.
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