Community Event / Creation Elite Racers presents: Ninsun Scarab Challenges

Ninsun Scarab Challenges: An Elite Racers standing time trial


4 SRV tests of skill and endurance!
  • Stage B: Race 64km from Barreiros Arsenal to Kube-McDowell.
  • Stage A: Race 64km from Kube-McDowell to Barreiros Arsenal.
  • Barreiros Leap Frog: SRV Cross race around Barreiros planetary station.
  • Stage C: IRONMAN SURVIVAL 832km SRV trek from Barreiros Arsenal to Tucker Lab.


Click this link to visit the centralised leaderboard.


Unlike the Elite Racers usual live events (such as the 8WD SRV Championship),

This standing time trial takes place on your own time,
  • racing 'around' Barreiros Arsenal,
  • on Ninsun 4 A,
  • in the Ninsun system,
(roughly ?Ly from Sol) using the in-game clock to record your time.

Stage A & Stage B
(Stage A created by CMDR BlackMaze from the 8WD SRV Championship 2020)
(Stage B created by CMDR Fathaggard & CMDR Coconuthead 2016)

Barreiros Leap Frog (courses created by CMDR BlackMaze)

Stage C (a crazy idea by CMDR Terrorsidic, made famous by CMDR BlackMaze livestreaming his run)


Stage A & Stage B
Stage A & Stage B will be using the same rules from the 8WD Championship.
  • Racers must drive their SRV from start to finish without blowing up
  • Repairs are only allowed by recalling and boarding your ship (boarding repairs SRV)
  • Refueling is only allowed while parked under your recalled ship (synthesis refuels SRV)
  • Ship recall issues are considered pit stop mistakes
  • Only basic synthesis is permitted (no upgraded fuel or hull) - 'tis a gentleman's game!
  • Racers must obey course specific rules where applicable
    • Stage A: Kub->Bar = You finish once you are stationary within the perimeter.
    • Stage B: Bar->Kub = No need to stop. Just pass the base.
Stage A rule
Stage B rule

Barreiros Leap Frog
Barreiros Leap Frog uses these rules.
  • Racers must drive their SRV from start to finish without blowing up
  • Repairs are NOT allowed during your run.
  • Only basic synthesis is permitted (no upgraded fuel or hull) - 'tis a gentleman's game!
  • Racers must obey course specific rules where applicable

Stage C
Stage C has some special rules.
    • Use Premium Fuel and Hull BEFORE you start.
    • Once you've started, you are NOT allowed ANY repairs or refuels.
If you MUST repair/refuel, you will no longer be eligable for the IRONMAN CHALLENGE.
BUT you can continue on under normal SRV Stage C rules.
  • Racers must drive their SRV from start to finish without blowing up
  • Repairs are only allowed by recalling and boarding your ship (boarding repairs SRV)
  • Refueling is only allowed while parked under your recalled ship (synthesis refuels SRV)
  • Ship recall issues are considered pit stop mistakes
  • Only basic synthesis is permitted (no upgraded fuel or hull) - 'tis a gentleman's game!
  • Racers must obey course specific rules where applicable
I did not want racers to have to choose between normal rules or attempting IRONMAN CHALLENGE, so with these rules I hope to encourage everyone to give IRONMAN a go and if you must bail, say after 600km, your attempt not worthless, so you can continue on.



Please include:
  • CMDR name.
  • Ship type.
  • Race class
  • Link to video
Submitting an entry
Evidence can be posted to this thread, sent via private message, posted in the events channel in the Elite Racers discord.

When does it end?
It doesn't.
I'll keep taking entries for as long as the game is (or I am) around.

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