Good Morning,
I purchased Elite back in 2015 and have been playing on and off since. I have recently fired the game back up and have managed to bring 3 friends back and through salesmanship managed to have 5 other friends purchase the game in the last 2 weeks and join us.
I understand Odyssey is coming soon and I do not fully know what that entails. Nonetheless here are a few suggestions we came up with recently for some simply things that could make a difference.
1) SRV Engineering
-Improved suspension at the cost of mass/slower speed
-Improved thruster capacity at the cost of power draw and mass/speed
-Larger SRV Cargo Bay at the cost of top speed and thruster capacity
2) The stations talk about ground crew/maintenance crews when you land. How about adding some animations with trucks/people/robots and some welding or sparks to add a little effect. Just to breathe a bit more life into the idea of repair.
3) Nav Beacons on all stars. Allow for travel to individual stars in a system that has more than 1 sun. If a system has 3 suns and I need to travel to planet A on star 2...I am forced to arrive on star 1 and travel for 5-10min for no real reason. Even in a simulator, if a beacon could be employed on 1 star, why not all the stars especially considering the current format, some of the "main" stars are smaller than their neighbors.
There are a few quick ideas we jotted down that would not take massive amounts of doing. Thanks!
I purchased Elite back in 2015 and have been playing on and off since. I have recently fired the game back up and have managed to bring 3 friends back and through salesmanship managed to have 5 other friends purchase the game in the last 2 weeks and join us.
I understand Odyssey is coming soon and I do not fully know what that entails. Nonetheless here are a few suggestions we came up with recently for some simply things that could make a difference.
1) SRV Engineering
-Improved suspension at the cost of mass/slower speed
-Improved thruster capacity at the cost of power draw and mass/speed
-Larger SRV Cargo Bay at the cost of top speed and thruster capacity
2) The stations talk about ground crew/maintenance crews when you land. How about adding some animations with trucks/people/robots and some welding or sparks to add a little effect. Just to breathe a bit more life into the idea of repair.
3) Nav Beacons on all stars. Allow for travel to individual stars in a system that has more than 1 sun. If a system has 3 suns and I need to travel to planet A on star 2...I am forced to arrive on star 1 and travel for 5-10min for no real reason. Even in a simulator, if a beacon could be employed on 1 star, why not all the stars especially considering the current format, some of the "main" stars are smaller than their neighbors.
There are a few quick ideas we jotted down that would not take massive amounts of doing. Thanks!