Elite Suggestions for Devs

Good Morning,

I purchased Elite back in 2015 and have been playing on and off since. I have recently fired the game back up and have managed to bring 3 friends back and through salesmanship managed to have 5 other friends purchase the game in the last 2 weeks and join us.

I understand Odyssey is coming soon and I do not fully know what that entails. Nonetheless here are a few suggestions we came up with recently for some simply things that could make a difference.

1) SRV Engineering
-Improved suspension at the cost of mass/slower speed
-Improved thruster capacity at the cost of power draw and mass/speed
-Larger SRV Cargo Bay at the cost of top speed and thruster capacity

2) The stations talk about ground crew/maintenance crews when you land. How about adding some animations with trucks/people/robots and some welding or sparks to add a little effect. Just to breathe a bit more life into the idea of repair.

3) Nav Beacons on all stars. Allow for travel to individual stars in a system that has more than 1 sun. If a system has 3 suns and I need to travel to planet A on star 2...I am forced to arrive on star 1 and travel for 5-10min for no real reason. Even in a simulator, if a beacon could be employed on 1 star, why not all the stars especially considering the current format, some of the "main" stars are smaller than their neighbors.

There are a few quick ideas we jotted down that would not take massive amounts of doing. Thanks!
3) Nav Beacons on all stars. Allow for travel to individual stars in a system that has more than 1 sun. If a system has 3 suns and I need to travel to planet A on star 2...I am forced to arrive on star 1 and travel for 5-10min for no real reason. Even in a simulator, if a beacon could be employed on 1 star, why not all the stars especially considering the current format, some of the "main" stars are smaller than their neighbors.
Not to take away from your main point about within-system jumps; but nav beacons aren't responsible for hyperspace jumps. They just provide information about the system they are in. You always jump to the most massive body in a given system, whether there's a nav beacon there or not (which is a good thing, since most systems don't have nav beacons and you wouldn't be able to jump to them otherwise.)
3) Nav Beacons on all stars. Allow for travel to individual stars in a system that has more than 1 sun. If a system has 3 suns and I need to travel to planet A on star 2...I am forced to arrive on star 1 and travel for 5-10min for no real reason. Even in a simulator, if a beacon could be employed on 1 star, why not all the stars especially considering the current format, some of the "main" stars are smaller than their neighbors.
After hyperjump, you arrive near the point of greatest mass. It's usually one of the stars, or some point between them. You don't travel to nav beacons - they just happen to be placed near the point where ships arrive to help them get info about the system.
(seems I was slightly too late with that)
To do that you would need to be able to open the system map before actually exploring the system, which seems rather backwards!

Not really. All that exploration data that we sell - what do Universal Cartographics do with it? We should be able to access it even before we go to a system, for a fee, otherwise why are we being paid for it?
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