ELWs are beautiful to find, like little blue gemstones full of promise. If you want to look specifically for them, you will quickly learn about Goldilocks zones, common star types etc - there are loads of resources for this.
But I have to say I love me an Ammonia World - such great variety of colours and temperatures that I am often astounded they can support life. I can't help but wonder how different life is amongst those swirling clouds. Finding an Ammonia World makes an evening of scanning worthwhile for me, but I still haven't figured the secret sauce - where are you most likely to find them? I find far fewer AW than ELW.
Any other commanders out there who love an AW and can share their secret to finding them?
But I have to say I love me an Ammonia World - such great variety of colours and temperatures that I am often astounded they can support life. I can't help but wonder how different life is amongst those swirling clouds. Finding an Ammonia World makes an evening of scanning worthwhile for me, but I still haven't figured the secret sauce - where are you most likely to find them? I find far fewer AW than ELW.
Any other commanders out there who love an AW and can share their secret to finding them?
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