"Empire under Fire" Goids secret plot?

After arrival of the last 3 Maelstroms, i noticed something very stange, something we haven't seen befor. Maelstrom 3 in HIP 30377 landed deep in the Empire Territory and all of its 6 Invaded systems belong to the Empire.
Now you might think: "Hold on a sec, what were Thargoids invading for the last few week?" - Yeah, that's right, more than 90% of Ivanded systems were Independant.
So until this moment in time and space, Thargoids were not in direct confrontation with the 3 Superpowers, until Maelstorm 3 has arrived.

If you examine the sphere of systems surrounding all 8 Maestroms, you'll notice a pattern, 6 out of 8 are in heavy Independent bubbles. Only Maelstrom 3 is in a heavy Empire system bubble. And Maelstorm 4 is also in Empire system buble but not as dense as Maelstrom 3, and is still invading only Independent systems. But it would most likely becomes Empires second front buble against Thargoids in the future.

So what do you think, has the dice been cast, and Empire will become the first Superpower to face direct confrontation with Thargoids?

P.S: I have tried to capture the density of Empire System near Maelstorm 3, but it's much more clear to see in Glactic map in the game.
Maelstrom 3.jpg

Blue - Empire.
Yellow - Independant.
Red - Federation.
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Well, the Empire takes up most of the "bottom" of the bubble and the Thargoids came in predominantly from that direction.
Alliance and Federation are mostly in the "top" and "center" of the bubble.
I don't think it's some secret intention that FDev crafted.
Though, they did mention that the invasion is seemingly tactical and they are possibly targeting key locations, infrastructure, and star systems for some strategic reason.
Who knows, maybe the Empire was working on some new ships and the Goids wanted to stop that. ;)
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