Newcomer / Intro Engineer Reputation

I am trying to understand the mechanics of engineering especially with regard to reputation. Where will I find detailed information on this?
Just trying to understand engineering more than I do. In particular at the moment I want to understand how to sell commodities at an engineer base and what affect it has. I was thinking of loading my 200T python with expensive commodities and selling these at The Dweller's base to gain reputation with him. But I dont know if it works and whether I should bother or just engineer a G5 module instead? I want to get to G5 with him so I can engineer up to G5 remotely.
Just trying to understand engineering more than I do. In particular at the moment I want to understand how to sell commodities at an engineer base and what affect it has. I was thinking of loading my 200T python with expensive commodities and selling these at The Dweller's base to gain reputation with him. But I dont know if it works and whether I should bother or just engineer a G5 module instead? I want to get to G5 with him so I can engineer up to G5 remotely.

Ah, the Dweller, going for Power Distributor upgrades? I haven't done him yet but some friends have. I think any commodity helps, but the ones with higher profit margins will give you a better percentage gain. Also the more things you craft with him, the more your reputation will go up. Farm a bunch of the needed materials first, take them along with some lasers and start doing G1, G2 stuff on them. It'll help a lot. You can use to build crafting lists that will pinpoint which mats you must stock up; helps before you start the hunt!
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Just to add: The reputation you gain with the controlling faction from selling at ANY market depends ONLY on the net profits YOU make.
This includes engineer's markets. Don't sell at a loss, or your reputation decreases. Don't care what is most wanted on the market.
Do not use the alternate methods of ranking at an engineer unless you don't intend to do any engineering at that engineer. The easiest way to rank an engineer is just to do upgrades. 3 upgrades of level N will get you to rank N+1.
In the last few days I have successfully unlocked about 9 engineers. For most I stopped trying to increase rep by trading or selling data just to see what happens. The engineers are all LvL5 now and it shows to me that gaining rep other than by engineering modules is a waste of time. Granted I engineered modules to G5 for all of them but my point is that it doesnt seem to make any difference if you try ranking up by trading or selling data. Just engineer a mod to G5 and you will get G5 access.
In the last few days I have successfully unlocked about 9 engineers. For most I stopped trying to increase rep by trading or selling data just to see what happens. The engineers are all LvL5 now and it shows to me that gaining rep other than by engineering modules is a waste of time. Granted I engineered modules to G5 for all of them but my point is that it doesnt seem to make any difference if you try ranking up by trading or selling data. Just engineer a mod to G5 and you will get G5 access.

Yes agreed doing upgrades is the very best way to increase rep with engineers.
As a relatively new player I believed that I could enhance my position with each engineer by selling commodities or data. I fact if I am right (from what someone else said) then selling commodities at a loss actually affects your rep negatively with an engineer.
From this forum I have got rolling as 3 4 5 8 12. How much does this get better with my LvL5 engineer status? Do I actually save materials on the first modification?

Cuz that 12 X G5 materials is a nightmare.
From this forum I have got rolling as 3 4 5 8 12. How much does this get better with my LvL5 engineer status? Do I actually save materials on the first modification?

Cuz that 12 X G5 materials is a nightmare.

Yes it gets better - if you have level 5 access then the grades go 1, 2 (maybe 3), 3, 4 (those are to be able to move on) - then anything from 5 to 9 to complete G5 (that last little bit is an OCD nightmare).
Yes it gets better - if you have level 5 access then the grades go 1, 2 (maybe 3), 3, 4 (those are to be able to move on) - then anything from 5 to 9 to complete G5 (that last little bit is an OCD nightmare).
Ahhhhhhhhhhh thats just what I want to hear!
But if you have LvL4 access and start a new module does the next roll (say the first one) add to LvL 4 to make LvL5? Or do you have to engineer a module all the way up to G5?
But if you have LvL4 access and start a new module does the next roll (say the first one) add to LvL 4 to make LvL5? Or do you have to engineer a module all the way up to G5?
How much more work (how many rolls) you will need to do for the level 5 access will depend on just how much work you have done since reaching level 4, but you could do it by just redoing several times G1 on some module with a really abundant material requirement.
I guess I am just used to the newcomers section. I believe I am still relatively new and also think that newcomers my want to read what I write as it is newcomers stuff generally . But perhaps I will now move my engineering questions to that section although all the engineers I want are now unlocked. (y)
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