Enrichment-Based Brachiation

So a while ago before we got deep-diving, I suggested that it could be implemented as enrichment-based, i.e. a specific enrichment item that when interacted with by certain species would trigger a diving animation. This was before we knew that proper diving was possible, so naturally I was envisioning a potential solution if it proved to be impossible.

Similarly, I have an idea for an imperfect brachiation system if we were to ever get gibbons, or an upgrade to the orangutan. The idea would be an enrichment item that triggers brachiation. Basically, it would be a length of rope, hose, or whatever else, connected between two posts. This could be in a variety of lengths - I'm thinking 6m, 8m, 12m, and 16m. The idea would be that the animal in question would climb up one end, swing along the rope, and then climb down the other, with animations for idling in the middle of the rope present as well. In a perfect world, connecting two of these items together would also allow for the seamless transfer from one rope, around the endpost, to the next rope.

Idling animations would include hanging, obviously, by the arms, or, for some species such as the ruffed lemur by the feet, or for something like the capcuhin or a spider monkey, by the tail.

We would all of course prefer a system that better fits with the current climbing enrichment, and is a seamless transfer from regular locomotion to brachiation, but this idea is presented as a possible alternative that still has the potetial to look good and be fun, and you could add such an enrichment item to a climbing structure so it at least looks seamless.
Yea for me even the basic Zt2 monkey bars brachiation animations would work for me. Just having something preset, like they did with beavers. I wish we got lodge building more akin to zt2’s beavers but the solution frontier came up with is ok for me. This is similar to how I would feel for brachiation.
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