Escort Request/Wing thread.

We all know the stress of returning to the bubble after weeks in the black.
A belly full of millions in data, hull stuck together with bubblegum and hope.
We activate what defenses we have, maybe its shields, maybe its chaff, maybe its a clever choice of entry system, we jump in and we start seeing ships... signal sources... signs of life, and it scares the hell out of us because the last one, two, three weeks or more is all on the line.

Let's do something to co-ordinate an effort to alleviate that situation.

If you're out in the black and facing the bubble, and scared to jump in post in this thread and request an armed escort into a station.

If you're in bubble and between expeditions and have a combat ready ship, respond to requests and send PM's to one another to coordinate an escort.

Get your explorer brother/sister into a station where they can armor up, shield up, and perhaps pick up some palladium to reward your assistance.
Do not coordinate locations and times in this thread, do so in private for security purposes, to save thread room, and keep it organized.

Fly safe CMDRs!

Successful Escorts: 1
Unfortunate Victims: 0
Unanswered requests: 0

for ease of browsing (availability will vary, post in thread with request):

(name, IGN (if different), active times)

Katejina (varies)
Alex Brentnall (UK)
Murishani (US, varies)
sam445 (ig: Barracuda)
dannywhac (UK)
777driver (ig: FLEX1978) (UK, Dubai GMT +3)
Domaq (UK)
Orange Sheets (+3 GMT)
Deepfriedmal (Deep Fried Mal)
chesdj (Ches)
Ian Doncaster (UK)
Wolverine (Patrecleus) (varies)
Cornelius lucius (evenings GMT +10)
Pharoh (5-11 PM UK)
TartanDragon (Aitken US Pacific evenings)
MacrosTheBlack (Shuruga (PM me, GMT+2, evenings))
Guido - ign: Badland (UK) variable evenings: 20:00 - 23:00
Doubtoutloud (Kuroshio) (GER)
Razzar (Narendil) (varies a lot GMT+10)
Navynuke 99 (Nuke Dukem) (GMT -4 EST evenings)
Chann3l (Darth Labia) (Canada, PST, after 10pm most nights)
Col Frost (Johnny Frost)
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Add me if you haven't. Same name in-game! When I'm not exploring I will be more than willing to help out fellow adventurers! Hopefully my current trip will allow me more than a well-outfitted ASP. And I tend to take 1-2 weeks worth of break time in between trips so I will be plenty available upon my return.

I am generally active during these times:

(PST) 0800 - 2100.
(UK) 1600 - 0700.

Due to the nature of my employment, my shifts vary, so these times are approximate.
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PM me on forum if you need/want an escort.

I'm usually bobbing around doing community goals and grinding credits in an A rated Python when im not exploring so if you let me know a few days in advance I can come and meet up for a run in. (UK time based).
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I am usually out of bubble but If you're coming in send me a PM and Ill assist if I can. My current combat ship is an A rated vulture.
I got a combat anaconda. Add me (Barracuda) in-game and request an escort when you need one.
I am in GMT-4, but I am available most of the time no matter the time of day.
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I'm currently tooling around anarchy space bounty hunting after a month long deep space jaunt but normally I'm looking for challenging causes. I'm flying an old but A graded Expert and Ranger level Cobra. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find me...Cmdr Rochester De Vasey.
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I'm willing but of late haven't had much time to play. I love running my old Cobra Mk III with decent weapons and I'm currently picking off the available stuff in the bubble befrore I upgrade and go long haul.

PM me and we can see if I can help out. Cmdr Merthin
I'll help whenever I'm back in the bubble with a Vulture or Clipper. I'll be out though for another week or so. Am UK based, CMDR name same as the one on this forum.
thanks to all the CMDR's stepping up to the plate, names have been added to an easy list in OP. Anyone wanting to volunteer, just give a shout in the thread and Ill get you added to the list.
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Not back in the game for 5-6 weeks. More than happy to escort explorers back to safety in open. Have a heavily armed Anaconda and Python if needed. CMDR FLEX1978

timezone is either UK or Dubai +3GMT
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I'll participate, once I get back from my exploration journey! (Currently out with a very vulnerable T6-loadout, so I'm feeling the pain.)

Right now I have Cobra set-up for longer range escorts, but hopefully with the profits from current journey, I can afford a solid long range escort/fuelrat ship.

Cmdr Orange Sheets, Finland +3GMT. Available for service in month or two.
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Domaq (UK)
My plan is to continue scanning near the bubble for the CG and then prep the Python "Trunk Monkey" for escort a few days prior to CG completion. I'm sure the PVP near there will be fierce at that time but you can always invite the vulnerable party to a "private group" to get there. Or just escort to the nearest system if not interested in the CG.
I am also willing to assist if i can. Currently out collecting data, but I do have three beam lasers on my Asp and a rather nice Vulture for the more 'interesting' meetings...
Commander Deep Fried Mal
nudge towards the top with new commander names.
Also, if anyone has a name for this service, let me know. Several of the commanders here are also fuel rats, feels natural to roll them together but "bodyguard rats" doesnt roll off the tongue.

I just recently got back to "civilized" space and I may myself have to call on services if I cant get outfitted defensively.
nudge towards the top with new commander names.
Also, if anyone has a name for this service, let me know. Several of the commanders here are also fuel rats, feels natural to roll them together but "bodyguard rats" doesnt roll off the tongue.

I just recently got back to "civilized" space and I may myself have to call on services if I cant get outfitted defensively.

EDG: Explorers Defence Guard
EOTA: Explorers of the Apocalypse
ERRF: Explorers rapid reaction force
DME: Dont Mess with Explorers
PAF: Pathfinders Advanced Force

I am going to stop now......
Is "Rat Pack" too cliché? Packing fuel or heat. It already looks like the patch is wearing a pack. Maybe put a gun in the other hand?
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