My curated faction expanded into another system and got engaged in a conflict with another non-native faction at 6,5%. Rivals were beaten and on next day my faction ended the day at 9% while defeated ones were at 2,5%. The day after defeated ones were EJECTED without any retreat cycle! Damn, but I don't remember anything like that in my several years of adventure with bgs.
I thought that only a lost invasion war would cause the attacking faction to leave the system the next day, and that this would not work for a defeated defender who came from outside the system and is already an established party in the system. Is that how it works, or am I missing something?
I thought that only a lost invasion war would cause the attacking faction to leave the system the next day, and that this would not work for a defeated defender who came from outside the system and is already an established party in the system. Is that how it works, or am I missing something?