Expansion help

The player faction i'm in has been in a state of expansion for the last 11 days. During this time influence has been suffering and is now in the 50% region.

Everyday influence takes a hit but still no word on the target of expansion or anything. There is a number of systems within 20ly that we could move into however nothing.

Do I need to keep influence over 75% for the expansion?

Any help would be appreciated.

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
11 days is unusually long for an expansion - it will go ahead even if you drop to 1%... you are bascially swimming against a fixed tax of 3% a tick. You can overcome this if you work at it, and the benefit is that your starting influence in the new system will be higher than it would otherwise been
That is unusual to be taking that long.
It should end within 7 days normally.

You can cut Expansions short by starting a conflict for the faction someplace.
After 3.4 that shortcut won't be applicable however, as each system should operate independently then.
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