Exploration guide

Dear all

I'm new to the Elite universe and have just downloaded the Xbox one Beta. I'm loving the game so far. So much so it's taking time away from Geralt and the Witcher 3!

Just a quick question regarding getting started as an Explorer. I've looked online and YouTube and it's hard to get 'clear cut' tips.

Basically I have 120,000 cr and a semi decent Sidewinder (if there is such a thing)

I'm looking for a cheap ish ship I can take exploring for a week or so. Long enough to earn a few million credits before the big Xbox one wipe. So that I can then buy a decent ship and begin my new career as a bounty hunter. Plus exploring sounds good fun.

Any help would be great as to what ship. Gear etc.

Or if anyone can point me in the direction of other posts that would be great.

Sidewinder is not a bad Starter Exploration ship. You'll simply need the best FSD Drive, it's a Class A. Get yourself a Discovery scanner, and a fuel scoop. Make everything else as light as possible, that means No Shields, and no weapons. Lightest power distributor, lightest Power plant, Thrusters, and Armour. Get the largest fuel tank. If you wish, get a heat sink for emergencies.

That's all there is to it. Once you've earned enough money, You're next best bet would either be the Cobra Mk III or the Adder. The best explorer is the Asp. For now, the trusty little sidewinder will do.

Good luck out there CMDR!
The most expensive item for the avid explorer is the Advanced Discovery Scanner, which is 1.5MCr. The Standard and Intermediate have 500 and 1000Ls ranges. The Advanced has infinite range. My basic advice would be to get out there on a loop first, and just scan everything you can see within close range of the stars you arrive at. Something like this:
Get the Intermediate scanner if you can afford it.
Do that for about 100 or so systems, then head back home. There's no need to head off anywhere advanced, as everything you find with be Unexplored, even within 30Ly of "home"! You'll easily have the money for the ADS then, and you can head out and do some proper exploration. I'd move up to the Adder too if you have a spare 500,000Cr, simply because your jump range and fuel tank size will go up for almost no extra cost. My first discovery Adder was a bit like this:
(30Ly jump range instead of 22Ly, and twice the fuel capacity, so you can go to interesting unscoopable star series without so much risk of running dry!)
Thanks for the advice so far!
Another question is it worth joining a faction before I head out? Will it have any impact on anything for myself credit wise or the gaming universe? Again. I'm very new at this. Cheers
Thanks for the advice so far!
Another question is it worth joining a faction before I head out? Will it have any impact on anything for myself credit wise or the gaming universe? Again. I'm very new at this. Cheers

Powerplay isn't resetting right now, so its not worth it to start up and actively contribute because you cannot gain ranks. You should at least do it for a day or two to get experience with it. But like Discovery stats, powerplay for xbox will be reset when the game rolls over to the full version.
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