Exploration - system completion bonus - first landing payout

Add a completion bonus for all systems. When you turn in "first discovered" data for the final body recorded in a system and complete the dataset, award a completion bonus based on the distance of that body from the center of the system and possibly also the number of bodies in the system.

There are a lot of bodies no one has ever visited because they are so far away that it isn't worth waiting 5 minutes to scan an icy body based on the payout. This would give explorers an incentive to help provide complete cartographic data on systems.

A payout for the first person to land on a landable body would also encourage explorers to be more thorough instead of the standard honk, selectively scan, and jump.
Alternative options when you first scaning landable body you should have a chance to find something expensive.
I would approve of a competion bonus.

"Completion" would have to be defined in terms of "UNEXPLORED" celestial objects in the set, rather than the actual number - otherwise the Cartographics service would appear to know what is out there before it is discovered, and we disenfranchise players without an ADS.

First-landing should be a recorded achievement alongside first-scan (and return). Would this be just landing, or would you have to lay a tread-print as well? And plant a flag?
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