Explorer Conda Boost


i´m trying to build a lightwight Conda for exploring. There is a issue when i want to boost: not possible. But why?
I have 5D clendrives G3 with optimal mass 592T, with a ship mass of 571T. The outfitting says i can boost but the ship dont do it.

Any ideas?

If you can't boost it means your engine distributor capacity is to low. Try a bigger distributor.
Or it could be you just have no pips to engines.
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4D booster won’t let you boost, chuck your build into Coriolis and it will tell you when you can boost if you adjust the Distributor.
Yes your power distributor will be the cause , but if your looking to get the best jump range d rate everything keep the 5d thursters, and the a rated fsd, i would have to look at mine but i get 70ly jump range on my exploration conda.
For exploring you can get away with a smaller distributor and engineer up the capacity for boosting. Typically engine focused will be enough depending on which distributor size you use. For Conda explorer you'll probably be in the class 5 range.
ok, thak you all, im going to engeneer my PD. If this one is too small i will try a bigger one [up]
With 3.0, it is now possible to boost your conds with a 4d distributor. There is an aptly t titled thread in the exploration forums that provides the details on the mods and build.
First let me to direct you to this thread, https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showt...4D-distributor!?highlight=5d+thrusters&page=1.

Next, you need at least 27.01 MW on the PD for engines in order to thrust with 5D thrusters. Grab yourself a 4D PD and engineer it with an engine focus until you reach or exceede that number.

Conda needs about 29MW capacitor energy to activate boost. Doable on 4D power distributor (G5 engine focused + cluster capacitors).

As you'll read in the above thread you won't need cluster capacitors, so feel free to use the stripped down effect.
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First let me to direct you to this thread, https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showt...4D-distributor!?highlight=5d+thrusters&page=1.

Next, you need at least 27.01 MW on the PD for engines in order to thrust with 5D thrusters. Grab yourself a 4D PD and engineer it with an engine focus until you reach or exceede that number.

As you'll read in the above thread you won't need cluster capacitors, so feel free to use the stripped down effect.

So Conda actually needs only 27 MW, not 29? Nice to know, thanks!

Also, boost does not depend on thruster class or mod - it's always 27 MW, be it 5D or 7A.
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ok but how do i know i have enough MW in the PD to boost?

On https://coriolis.edcd.io the distributor will turn red if you can’t boost. Notice that it’s possible to first fit a too small distributor and then make boosting possible by engineering.

The site is not up to date yet with the new engineering, but it shouldn’t be a problem for this.
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