Explorer Humour

How about:

'I dropped down 1000Ly from the galactic plane the other day into an area with more knackered and clapped out stars than the green room at a Rolling Stones concert'?

I'll get my coat.
I found and orange and green earth like world, the description said baron wastelands sparsely populated by snozwanglers and vermicious knids.
Someone offered me a Corona the other day, so I deployed my scoop.

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Exploration Joke, hmmm.


This one was included in a collection of photographs encoded the Voyager 1 probe 'Golden Record'.
It was included as a deliberate joke, hoping an intelligent alien entity may share our experiences and sense of humour.
I don't know....erm..

Two pilot's jump into a system.
They notice each other, panic then log out?

Why is there always a queue for the explorers toilet at any bar? The first one in writes his name on the door, and no one else will use it.....

So yeah, not getting anywhere thinking of funnies, so... erm... oooh shiny thing....
The reason I want planetary landings is so I can go find alien trailer parks, capture, and analprobe the natives. It seems to be the "done" thing in the universe, so who am I to argue?

No, that's not why we're all out looking for aliens.. no, not at all....
I know an astronomy limerick -

"The Universe is curved" noted Fred.
An astronomer learned and read.
"This scope has such power
I've just spent an hour
examining the back of my head".

And another one about first contact -

A voice from the UFO cried,
"To the smartest, we'll give a free ride!".
Several men volunteered,
but the ship disappeared
with a whale and two dolphins inside.
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