Horizons Faction Paint Jobs

This maybe a little controversial, but how about Federation / Imperial Paint jobs, Decals for PP factions etc.

I have my white Anaconda & Python, trying to look all imperial, but really it's just a white paint job. I am sure some commanders are proud of there allegiances, Could we please have a some faction paint jobs or decals?

I am sure The Feds would like the same thing as well, but please do the imperial ones first :).

Plus good source of additional revenue for FDev.
i think this is a good idea. why not extend it? groups could submit designs for officially recognised group insignia that members could paint on their ships. you could even have missions affected - you get a covert mission, you would need to paint over the faction paint job; or when you get back they tell you that the idea was to NOT link the mission to your faction, and you get only half credits and lose some faction standing (and if you lost enough you could lose a rank).
Nice Idea, would really add another level of 'Connection' to the game, I think Fdev are trying to do that with the Mission Givers and Station traffic control in Engineers 2.1 . Paint Jobs and insignia would only strength this.
i would say OP should put this in suggestions. that way they get the credit if its taken up. powerplay rank badges and paint jobs that unlock as you rank up.
Well I was thinking this would not be well received, but looks like other commanders would like it. Thanks for your support, now question is where do I send it for suggestions? not too worried about the credit, just want the imperial decal on my Anaconda :) as I bask in her glory ;)
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I love your user name ! It ment to be the french word right? :)
We do need faction paintjobs

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How about some Star Trek paint jobs?

After all, we just got 6 Star Wars paint packs.[blah]


Whats wrong with star wars?
Of before you could say jaxxon the rabbit or the vong and all that , but there not canon no more , instead its the unifed canon and its great.

And star wars change everything for ever , so it needs to be celebrated. Elite art style is close to the OT and some of the TCW ships , so it makes sens , but I cant see how a ST one would happen , but why not
I love your user name ! It ment to be the french word right? :)
We do need faction paintjobs

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Whats wrong with star wars?
Of before you could say jaxxon the rabbit or the vong and all that , but there not canon no more , instead its the unifed canon and its great.

And star wars change everything for ever , so it needs to be celebrated. Elite art style is close to the OT and some of the TCW ships , so it makes sens , but I cant see how a ST one would happen , but why not

I really don't have anything against Star Wars. It's just everywhere and I'm tired of it. You can't even walk into a grocery store with out there being Star Wars something. So to me, tossing out a SW paint pack lacks any originality, and is just jumping on the money train while it's rolling thunder down the tracks.

And I know the original was "game changer". I saw it 19 time in theater. But compared Star Trek, and what it did, I'm don't think what SW did comes even close.


I really don't have anything against Star Wars. It's just everywhere and I'm tired of it. You can't even walk into a grocery store with out there being Star Wars something. So to me, tossing out a SW paint pack lacks any originality, and is just jumping on the money train while it's rolling thunder down the tracks.

And I know the original was "game changer". I saw it 19 time in theater. But compared Star Trek, and what it did, I'm don't think what SW did comes even close.


Well I still need more star wars in my life.
To me episode V is just the best movie of all time , followed by IV and then VII.

I wonder if they sell lekku hats
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Well I still need more star wars in my life.
To me episode V is just the best movie of all time , followed by IV and then VII.

I wonder if they sell lekku hats

I too enjoyed V very much, but I was just the right age when IV came out that it change my world for ever. I also just saw VII, and liked it too. I think I need to see it again.

How about a Firefly themed paint pack?


I too enjoyed V very much, but I was just the right age when IV came out that it change my world for ever. I also just saw VII, and liked it too. I think I need to see it again.

How about a Firefly themed paint pack?


I would like that. its not a franchise thing per say for me. I think the run-down dirty feel is something star wars started. and allmost everything else uses. I think for them to make a firefly themed thing , would be to include a ship that plays a bit like it... type4 fits that role (a ship so unused and bad that they stoped making it , in lore)
george lucas said the mistake everyone makes with sci fi is the ultra clean look. it looks like everything was just finished building 4 minutes before filming, whereas it should look, normal and lived in. normal for how something in use is. thats why everything in star wars looks so real and believable. things can be in top condition and well maintained (death star etc, rebel cruisers) but unless its brand new and unused in the movies it shouldnt look like it is.

star trek and star wars are different. star trek is more personal, star wars more epic scale. you can oversimplify and say star trek is about people and star wars is a sort of mythological style story about growing up and leaving home and good and evil. but they are really different things and its ok to like both so long as they dont do a crossover. that would alienate both sets of fans.

star trek paint jobs i think would exist. i dont think star trek is as much of a legend as star wars but its the kind of thing that can be updated and rebooted for each era. star wars is timeless. star trek is always just in the future. thats how i think it would be in 3300 anyway.
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