Fast travel back to bubble

So I been in colonia for a week and realized I never unlocked all the bubble engineers so only got Brent. My question is it frowned upon to buy a sidewinder blow it up dont buy it back and get put back into the bubble that way?
you can transfer it to the bubble too, cost a bit. And don´t forget to pin the colognia eng. there is no fast way back
oh I know I enjoy exploring but it does get boring when you forget a srv hanger to explore planets like I did lol but the 295ly jump from neutron stars is nice
Just maybe we'll end up with a chain of Fleet Carriers out in the far reaches of the Galaxy so that one can stop and re-equip/resupply/meet at the bar etc
I've done that as well, as in bought a sidey to get back to the bubble, think most of us have done that at some point. Nothing wrong with it
Nope - pretty normal. Just remember to sell everything you have (bonds / bounties / cartographics) first.
I still find it strange that this method of fast travel is not just acceptable but encouraged by the community, and FDev know this, I can't see why there wouldn't be an acceptable gameplay fast travel, I understand that many stalwarts would be abhorred by FDev allowing such a game breaking idea of wormholes and the likes, yet here we are launching ourselves into death to fast travel because we forgot our toothbrush or need to get back for Crossroads, when really we should be saying "look, this just isn't sensible" and start looking at a sensible and immersive way to tackle this and then putting it to Fdev for consideration.
Perhaps at specific stations there could be an 'anti suicide' booth, where the player could select to arrive back in a game start point station (I have no idea where they are it's been years) with her/his ship complete... like a rebuy but at a fixed rate plus maybe even 1-2% cost, perhaps even a short time delay.

Now I'm waiting for the old "it's been done to death... we don't want fast travel" but evidently you do!
Like most ideas put to FD, they simply ignore it. I'm actually shocked we're getting some bug fixes tbh
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