FDL or Mamba, why and what's your build?

Thanks for setting me right on that one. Putting the coffee down and leaving the internet alone now.

Got to agree with you on the Mamba's looks. Definitely think I need to try it again. Oh joy, another ship to find engineering materials for!
Yeah, wow; these sites are all mixed up.
Anyway after some playing around (since I had the mats to spare) I feel like the difference between LR and focused aren’t dramatic in the way the weapon works in combat, but I chose focused for my FDL build for the lower mass over LR. The heat is only 5% which I don’t notice. (Maybe I’ll put thermal vent on all 4 of my beams instead of just 2) and the extra armor piercing can’t hurt! There no way I’m Jedi enough to land PA shots at greater than 4Km anyway so there’s no way that damage falloff difference will come into play for me and I decided even slightly lower mass is making my thrusters and shields slightly more effective so... that’s my call.

There’s a lot to love about the efficient mod so I did save that modded PA, but I find it very hard to hit small ships with so I think I’ll be sticking with this at least for fast fighter builds like FDL.
(And shame on Coriolis and Inara for confusing all of us)
I've fully engineered my Mamba and FDL. To me my Mamba feels like it does almost everything better. The Mamba also has better optional internals.
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