Feathers as Trait Genes for the future Dominion DLC

An idea for Dominion content is to have a feather gene, that produces feathers on certain dinosaurs. Or if it could not be done, having skins based on the opening scene in Dominion.

Now that we know feathered Pyroraptor, Therizinosaurus and T. rex are in the upcoming DLC, I'd like to revive this thread and suggest that it would be really cool if there was a gene option to add feathers on other appropriate animals as well.

This would include many theropods as well as pterosaurs. It would be nice to be able to put feathers by applying a gene to dinosaurs such as Velociraptor and Deinonychus. Especially also the ornithomimids. Maybe even other tyrannosaurs like Albertosaurus, Qianzhousaurus and Compsognathus, since we're getting a fuzzy T. rex. Many pterosaurs are known to be fuzzy, and a recent study suggested that the pterosaur fuzz was actually the same structure as feathers. Meaning feathers would be ancestral to both pterosaurs and dinosaurs. So in the game the same gene could then be applied to both groups.

Edit: Damnit, I wanted to make a new thread but the forum suggested this old thread. I didn't notice this was for the first game, instead of the second one. And it seems I can't delete the post.

Jens Erik

Senior Community Manager
Hey LordTrilobite!

Thank you for the suggestion :) We don't have anything to announce about adding a feathered option as a gene mod to the species in Jurassic World Evolution (1 or 2).
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