Featured Commanders Featured Commander - TheHoneyThief

Paige Harvey

Community Manager
Hello Commanders, and welcome to the twentieth Featured Commanders thread of 2019! This week we're talking to a man known for his epic planetside races and energetic livestreams, TheHoneyThief!


Hello Commander! Tell us, how did you first find out about Elite Dangerous?
My friend Jon told me about the game, about halfway through the Kickstarter. I was really excited that the project was gaining traction as Elite IV had been teased every so often for years at that point. I didn't know exactly how Kickstarter worked back then, so I just quietly cheered from the sidelines - but it was remarkably fitting to see the Kickstarter hit it's goal on David Braben's birthday!

Once Elite Dangerous was confirmed as in development, I immediately went to the Frontier Store and bought the game with the Lifetime Expansion Pack. For the 1,000+ hours I've had in Elite, £70 for both is pretty good value for money!

What a great birthday present that must have been! What got you hooked on the game initially?
What got me hooked on the game was my first interstellar jump. Taking off from a starport that has this bustling atmosphere full of station announcements, flickering TV holographic screens and little trucks driving around the ribs of the interior was mesmerising. Being able to take off and leave such a busy place and then jump into witchspace,a weird, black, lonely expanse that seems like it wants to get rid of any human ships as quickly as possible, made me think that different areas of the game universe had a unique feeling to them, and made me feel things in turn.

Sounds like the game really caused you to emote! So, when did you start creating content around Elite Dangerous?
I've been creating Elite Dangerous content since May 2016. I started by jumping into Twitch streams so I could check out the people that I wanted to play with! I met a guy called FryingBullet and found that he was a lot of fun to play with! In the past, I'd always wanted to get into radio broadcasting (because I have a face for it...) so streaming seemed to be a natural and modern extension to that. When I asked FryingBullet about getting into streaming, I half expected him to discourage me because he didn't want the competition, but he was really welcoming and supportive both technically and morally.

Since then it's been a pretty wild ride. There have been many more highs than lows though! :)

So you've been with the game quite a while! What's your favourite piece of content you've made about the game?
I actually have two. There's one I'm most proud of, and there's one that I have the most fun with.

The one that I've had the most fun with is "Hunt TheHoneyThief. It's kind of like Elite Dangerous: Cat & Mouse. You take one streamer (me!) with all sorts of cool toys to give away and make him drive around in an SRV. Meanwhile, the rest of the Commanders in attendance are trying to find him and kill him with their giant interstellar starships. The pilot with the most kills at the end of the game wins a prize. This could be a paint pack, game code, or sometimes a HoneyThief patch ,which is a pretty awesome real world item that you can use to boost your, err, street cred.

The one I'm most proud of is the group SpecialEffect summer stream back in July 2018. The community raised a massive £2,200 for SpecialEffect to allow them to continue doing their fantastic work, and the blind auction pushed the total to an excess of £2,800 thanks to the generous nature of the Frontier CM team. I remember sitting in my car wearing the t-shirt they gave me and thinking: "You only get this if you help people." I did have to watch Lion King once we broke £2,200 though. I didn't like that, but it's for a good cause, right? :)

Hakuna Matata, right?! What advice would you give to other Commanders?
The grind is in your mind! If you find yourself grinding and not enjoying it, try one of the other awesome activities the galaxy provides!

Great advice! Are there any other content creators you'd like to shout out?
I'm actually a growing fan of Susakobunny. She streams Elite! JackLyttle is fantastic too - he's made some absolutely incredible content and he's one I recommend that people should have a look at.

Fantastic! And where can people find you online?

Thank you for your time, HoneyThief and we look forward to your next Hunt TheHoneyThief stream!

If you're reading this and would like to be interviewed as a Featured Commander, apply here.
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So this honeypot honeythief is being pushed into the spotlight at the same time Thargoids wreak havoc on Palin's research center. Coincident? You be the judge!
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