Feedback from Runtime 0.7/0.8 users

Hi everyone

I'd like it if you guys could do one thing for me (or two).

In your Oculus Rift taskbar icon, go into Oculus Configuration Utility, go to Tools then Advanced and then Show Performance Hud. Then choose Render Timing

Could I get your numbers for
1) App Render GPU Time
2) App Render CPU Time

for 1) inside stations, 2) out in supercruise far from the sun 3) landed on a planet (if available)

Here is mine:
1) Inside station : GPU ~0.9 ms, CPU ~13.2 ms, 40 FPS
2) Supercruise : GPU ~0.7ms, CPU ~0.7 ms, 75 FPS
3) Planetside : GPU ~0.9 ms, CPU ~11-12 ms, 50 FPS

Hardware i7 4810M, Nvidia 970m
I think we might need to specify the ED graphics settings otherwise we will be comparing apples with oranges.

Also, I get different numbers depending on which SteamVR beta I am using (I assume that you are using steamVR), and for in-station measurements, performance is also affected by how close a station is to a landable (and therefore procedurally generated) planet.

In my case, I choose a station with no nearby planet, I then choose the 'Ultra' preset, then disable AA, AO, Bloom and Blur.

I select SS1.5 and I get the following ...

Location: Toli Medeta System /

Inside Mastracchio City Station: GPU ~0.4ms, CPU ~4.6ms, 75fps

Supercruise: GPU ~0.14ms, CPU ~3.2ms, 75fps

Planetside (Toli Medeta 2a): GPU ~0.15ms, CPU ~4.6ms, 50fps (Compositor Framerate), 40-66hz in the FPS graph.

Hardware 4790K Stock, Gigabyte Extreme GTX980ti (1430mHz)
Runtime 8.0 with SteamVR beta 1454625979

If I set SS to 1.0, I get 75fps everywhere.

PS. I get better performance with SteamVR beta 1445878235 but the numbers are different (and probably wrong) in the HUD.
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