Fighter Launch looks TOO SLOW to be effective

The video of the fighter launch against the Python, I'm sorry, but there is just no way that any respectable Python wouldn't instantly chew through that CMDR while he was deploying the fighter.

The fighters will need to be almost instantly deployed while submitting to an interdiction for them to be effective at all.

The only other option to prevent NPCs from instant massacring CMDRs is to fix the INSTANT KILL FOR BIOWASTE without any communication option (submit/resist) discussion mechanic that is currently broken in-game. Interdicting NPC Pirates need to have their AI fixed first, else this waiting to deploy fighters sequentially while BOHICA NPCs molest you with bullets won't work.

If I interdicted a Type 9, got behind them and they started to deploy their fighter in that slow animation, I would chew it up with multi cannons before it ever left the launch pad and send a polite "Really Bro?!"

That said, as an Imperial Slaver, I would also like to see the option of putting Imperial Slaves in these fighters as Cannon Fodder to be chewed through.
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Well the loading time is highly dependent on your computer.
Currently, transferring to an SRV on my main PC takes roughly 3 seconds of the black screen to load(not including animations).

On my laptop however, that black screen of nothing, can take up to 90 seconds. Lol
(My laptop is slow below minimum spec, I'm surprised it even runs at all!)

If SLFs are the same, using them from a low powered computer would be complete suicide.

But, IMHO, hitting the SLF launch button should fire it off immediately, and then transfer your brain to it, mid flight.


You know you going to have to use common Sense when you luanch a fighter. You would not want your rear end the weakest part of the ship in view of the attacking ship unless in emergency. This also means One of your 2 Pilots. NPC and your self is in control of the main ship while the other controlling the fighter.
I agree with OP.
Launching fighters needs to be fast enough to be effective.
However, I am not sure if the fighters are going to be effective against NPC pirates, anyway.

We'll have to wait for Beta to see how this works out.

for "fix the NPC-Pirates".
Frontier should really have a talk with The Code, in order to turn encounters with NPC-Pirates into a memorable experience, rather then a frustrating event.
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