Horizons Fine out of the blue

Currently i have 2 outstanding fines and no idea how i got them:
410,644 and 239,654 Cr.
The counter indicates 5D14h34m assuming 6 days that means i got these at local time 11:17 AM. No chance I was playing this morning as I work on Sunday.
I did not have any missions left when i quit yesterday and no failed missions in my mission log.
I did do a couple of smuggling runs for 2,500,000 Cr :cool: and some copper interdicted me and tried to scan me (happened twice actually) however with silent running, heat sinks and a quick jump the scans were never completed. One of the cops mentioned something like i should abide the law and not oppose the scan, sorry bad hearing today :p.
So when i quit the biggest fine was 70,000 Cr.
This evening I log on and I'm worth 650,289 Cr more.
Not that I am going to pay :p but I am just wondering how i got these.

Also if by any chance it was 7 days, the smuggling was on Saturday afternoon.
Ok now i'm totally confused. I let the fines elapse and now i have a single bounty of 1,231,932 Cr from Umaspi Emperor's Grace. :S
The orignal fines were from 3 different systems (not even the same allegiance) and were a total of 720,289 Cr. So were does the additional 511,643 Cr come from? Administration costs of changing the fines into bounties?
Other pilots seem to go [money] around me now. Good thing i have very limited time to play this week as life gets eehhhrmm interesting.
Sounds like something you should report via ticket so Frontier can investigate matters further, with any luck they can also remove the bounty entirely if it's really from a bug.
I will do that as things have changed again.
Now the bounties are again separate:
72,573 Milceni (Federation)
410,644 Umaspi (Empire)
239,654 Purple Energy Co. (Leading faction on Tjurojiu, independant)
Interesting idea. Seems I have already someone who his willing to help me out on this.
First I will wait as this is clearly a bug. The bounties are the 3 separate ones upon starting the game and changes after a jump to the 1.2 mln Cr version (repeats every time). But before it expires I will stage my own death to deceive the authorities. [big grin]
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