First Aid facility

I'm trying to find out how a lot of things work, but i am curious to know what everyone knows about our First Aid facility?

I haven't seen any guests going into it and also no guests that were saying that they were injured or really sick that they needed First Aid. It looks like the First Aid is gonna function later today when the final release is launched or did i miss something? Even in previous titles this was something i plopped down and quickly forgot about it afterwards.
I did build a high nausea coaster to see if guests would run to it, but it seems that throwing up did the job for them.
My understanding is your guests can go to the First Aid facility when they're feeling nauseous after going on a wild ride, instead of puking on your paths. So far, I think that's the only use for them, so it's best to place them close to your wildest coasters.
Oh thanks for the quick answers. I was away testing it. It's indeed working now. This time guests are indeed using the first aid.
I have a crazy coaster but no one went on it, but the Looper with a few extra ride animations is excellent to make your guests sick.
The following is what happens when you have a nausea-inducing ride and no first aid nearby... My poor, poor janitor[knockout]

Built one nearby, now my guests can hold it in a bit longer while they make their way to first aid to get their upset tummies settled...
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Maybe this thread is a bit dusty but it's the only one I found to this topic.

From my experience it does not really matter if I have a first aid or not. I got this "Gears of Fear" Ride placed and right at the exit, I have a first aid point, you literally fall into it once you leave the ride. But what do the guests do? The prefere walking past it and puking a few meters further
So I thought: Maybe they need a few meters to realize they are not feeling well. Thus I placed the first aid point 10meters past the exit of the ride. Unfortunately, that did not change anything, the guests still keep recoloring the path with their breakfast.

Does any of you share this experience or has some ideas how to stop the guests from showing what they ate some time ago? Or does anyone else think, the first aid might need some improvement?

Thanks for your thoughts.
I have the same results as Aargoth. They feel pretty pointless and it should be better utilized with more reasons for guests to visit them,

- a low trained staff in the red risks giving a guest food poisoning.
- high intensity coasters with neck breaking turns raises the risk of guests getting off with a sore neck.
- Dehydrated guests from a lack of drink stalls (would play out better with weather on hot days).
- guest slips and falls from walking on too much litter/puke.

If guests can't get to a first aid in time they'll leave the park and it will hurt your rating. This could potentially add a new "Guest Health" category under Park Rating and maybe a "Legal Department" in management to pay fines, settle lawsuits or pay them off with money or season passes. [money]
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Maybe this thread is a bit dusty but it's the only one I found to this topic.

From my experience it does not really matter if I have a first aid or not. I got this "Gears of Fear" Ride placed and right at the exit, I have a first aid point, you literally fall into it once you leave the ride. But what do the guests do? The prefere walking past it and puking a few meters further
So I thought: Maybe they need a few meters to realize they are not feeling well. Thus I placed the first aid point 10meters past the exit of the ride. Unfortunately, that did not change anything, the guests still keep recoloring the path with their breakfast.

Does any of you share this experience or has some ideas how to stop the guests from showing what they ate some time ago? Or does anyone else think, the first aid might need some improvement?

Thanks for your thoughts.

I have the same results as Aargoth. They feel pretty pointless and it should be better utilized with more reasons for guests to visit them,

- a low trained staff in the red risks giving a guest food poisoning.
- high intensity coasters with neck breaking turns raises the risk of guests getting off with a sore neck.
- Dehydrated guests from a lack of drink stalls (would play out better with weather on hot days).
- guest slips and falls from walking on too much litter/puke.

If guests can't get to a first aid in time they'll leave the park and it will hurt your rating. This could potentially add a new "Guest Health" category under Park Rating and maybe a "Legal Department" in management to pay fines, settle lawsuits or pay them off. [money]

I haven't messed with First Aid stations in a while (been building in Sandbox lately), but does pricing matter on them? Can you even set pricing for First Aid?
Yup you can set prices. I don't know what the pricing threshold is though.

Do the issues still happen with a $0 price tag?

Sidenote: I'd never charge for First Aid, personally. We make enough as it is with other shops/facilities. My morality comes into play here.

"Aweee, you have a tummy ache? Five dollars please! What.. you're gonna puke on the way to the ATM? That's too bad."
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They won't use it sometimes because the group isn't usually sick (only one of the individuals) and the group selects the next goal rather than the individual's goal (which could be random or weighted, I haven't seen any documentation on it).

I think they just need to weight an individual demand for first aid more heavily in the group decision making.

I'd like to see overeating also cause nausea so when a kid gets an XL burger and it fills their hunger meter way past full, it decreases their health bar.

Hopefully they add in random minor injuries, food poisoning or allergies from eating and nausea from being near vomit (right now it just lowers happiness but I don't think feeling sick from being around it is totally out of line). Not as major events but just something to also push guests to the first aid station and not just the nausea inducing rides.

Guests aren't particularly flexible on first aid fees. You get a lot of 'I won't pay $5 for first aid!' and then they vomit right in front of the clinic.
Just adding to my initial post from today: Of course I have not charged anything for the first aid. Vomit free park >> a few $$ [happy]. Additionally, I am currently sandboxing.

But the comment from Kickflip about the "group dynamics" makes sense (if the game handles it like this, which I don't know).
From my experience and just now taking a minute to poke around the groups, it's pretty rare to come across one where one member's mood is completely different compared to the others. Typically if one is hungry/thirsty/sick/needs bathroom, the others are in the same boat with just a small difference in the meter more or less.

I see too many groups as a whole complain about needing things yet they walk right by what they need because they're locked in to their next destination and won't change course.
From my experience and just now taking a minute to poke around the groups, it's pretty rare to come across one where one member's mood is completely different compared to the others. Typically if one is hungry/thirsty/sick/needs bathroom, the others are in the same boat with just a small difference in the meter more or less.

I see too many groups as a whole complain about needing things yet they walk right by what they need because they're locked in to their next destination and won't change course.

True, they tend to have similar values due to having visited identical rides and shops. But the guests do have their own unique needs values and tolerances based on how their bar levels will be similar but not identical. Quick empirical evidence is that if they all had identical stats, every time one group member vomited, they all should be vomiting at the exact same time.

Their health stats will all decrease due to all going on the ride but they fall at different rates and from what I've tested, visiting first aid is on a sliding scale of priority. So those with more health remaining may be outvoting the ones that feel sick or can't go on the ride again without their health bar turning red.

Groups do change course from a target, they're not locked in until completion like the RTC games. I don't know the rate of decision making but it seems like every few seconds it checks.
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