[FIXED] Eliminate Threat Of Grey Swan | Combat Zone Interference!

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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous


Commanders. Alert.

There have been a number of reports of some corruption and interference in relation to the necessary appearance of combat zones in Shamash,
as part of the latest Halloween Event Community Goal!
The team are tapping into the systems now to bring them online to ensure your efforts are supported against this new enemy!

Please stand by.

You will be kept informed o7


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Commanders, they’re at it again.

For a number of you, the Grey Swans have once again gone astray.
What on earth are they up to?!

I have made the team aware with references to all reports made since the earlier ‘fix’, however of course it’s a little tricky in terms of staffing over the weekend.

As soon as I have any news I’ll let you know o7


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Good morning Commanders!

The team applied another bolstered fix last night which we wanted to ensure was a help to you all before updating you with news of it this morning.

Happy to say it looks like many of you have been able to now continue your contributions to the cause against the Grey Swans!

We will of course keep an eye on things still as things progress o7
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