Fleet carrier can't jump for no reason

I am 2 jumps out from hip 58832 Rachman's Peak I try to jump to HD 105341 but it tells me no free slot... but on inara there are only 4 carrier's in that system... so anyone know what I am missing ?
You are missing a Commander already in the system to broadcast the actual number of Carriers there now—alternatively, you are missing having visited it before so that you can open its System map and view it for yourself!
Your reliance on Inara is ... misplaced

Determining carriers in a system is difficult with the data we are given by ED in the journal

The only way we can determine if a carrier is in the system is when the EDDN network gets a fresh FSSDiscoveryScan message from someone using a program like EDDiscovery.

Knowing a carrier is not in the system is only definitively possible if its seen in another one.

So if Inara is not getting fresh data then its just times out the info and presumes its jumped.

Use the third party tools on your PC if you want to contribute accurate information and get accurate info back!
I always use inara and it was always accurate... but I see your point.
"Using" Inara is not enough. Players need to import their game data on a regular basis and/or use other 3rd party tools, like EDMC or EDDiscovery to keep the Galaxy info up-to-date. I'm not saying you are neglecting this just throwing it in here as a reminder for everyone to help out with this. It annoys the crap out of me too when I check for something and after traveling there, nothing is to be found.
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