Ships Fleet Redundancies...

So, a while back, I pared down my fleet, brought a couple back, quickly remembered how much I disliked them and sold them. Now I'm left with 15 ships.

Ships I use regularly :

A Python II, all frags and fun.

A Type 8, my new favorite hauler, love the handling. So well thought out, lacking in firepower only.

A T10 that I tolerate for laser mining. Slow and ponderous, I'm no fan of large ships, all are deeply flawed.

A Keelie that I love to use as a deep core miner, prospectors, no collectors, so fun to scoop up the bits! Alas, it looks like the Cobra V will outclass it and take over the role. It's a shame, I did my Palin run in her with fighter and an SRV, Somewheres out there is a couple of earthlikes with my commander's name on them and she was there...

The Mandy, my favorite of all. Fast, a bit twitchy on landing and wants to run away when entering the atmosphere, but otherwise, a great all around mission runner, makes Powerplay much more adventurous and less of a grind.

The others:

Krait II that is still kitted out for the Thargoid war, not sure she'll be needed much longer.

A Krait Phantom that was my every day mission runner, way outclassed by the Mandy.

A super cold running DBS, a long time favorite of mine, took over from the eagle on the way up. She was something I often returned to.

A long jumping bubble taxi DBX that's outclassed by the mandy.A daily mission runner for years, outclassed for that by the Phantom.

A FAS that has served long and faithfully, served many roles and taught me a lot of this game... Was really fun to run in the Thargoid war. First ship I ever scooped in on a 400ly run out to the Pliedies with all of a 14ly jump range and a brown star highway in between that nearly did me in... Ship was so hot you could have seared beef on the dash everytime I scooped! Those were the days!

A Python, never my favorite, always useful, now hardly used.

An AspX, a good ship, never really clicked with me though.

A T6, a fun ship that I hadn't used in ages. Did my first serious hauling in her.

A Sidey, not sure why I have it, fully engineered to boot still fun to fly.

A vulture, a fun ship, sat pretty, much idle once I got the FAS.

Funny, I went to cull the least used and just couldn't, I guess I'm just sentimental . Those old hulls have been through a lot, it's shame to see them gathering dust in the hanger...
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I'm similar, except I've never felt the need to cull my fleet size down.
The only ship I ever sold was my first Sidey, and that was to help me get the Viper MkIV.
Me and my brother started playing at the same time in 2015 and to get the Viper took ages, I then worked to get the Vulture, then an AspX to help with the smuggling runs me and my brother were doing.

I like toying around with builds on all my older ships as much like cars, they're meant to be used, so I like to try and think of niche roles for them to fill, or have a little fun with them.

My original Viper 4 was gathering such bad dust, so I gave a Chrome Paint job to it and just kitted it for "bit of fun" combat build, with standard Beam/MC's cross loadout.

The first Viper 3 I bought after the Vulture (just to have), I finally bought the ship kit for and basically made it look like the 4, and gave it a Gold paint job. Kitted it out near exactly the same as the 4.
The second Viper 3 I bought after the other Viper 3, purely as a top speed runner. That's got an old Copperhead paint job, the second paint job I bought.

My Vulture I've ran several different firepower loadouts on it over the years, and always go back to it for a little bit of fun. Had it in mind for an Assassination Build, done APA's and different combos but it's now got dual Pac Frags for a get in, hit hard and bounce style.

AspX was my go-to explorer before the Phantom, I bust it out occasionally as the sound is very distinctive and it's a bit of a little drifter. I reporposed it as a Bubble-runner for Rares.

Phantom was my go-to explorer before the Mandalay, I'll probably keep it as a Guardian site runner, which it kinda took over from my DBX as. I have an Iridescent paint job on that.

Mandalay, goes without saying it's my new explorer.

DBX was my Wake Scanner/USS hunter when I had that and the AspX, but the Phantom took over as that, and now my Mandalay fills that role a little better due to it's much more stable SCO useage.

Two OG Pythons. One Golden just after they got rid of Gold as paint an option, and it's stayed that way as that was my go-to Miner during the lockdown Mining Boom.
Other Python (first Python, absolutely LOVED this ship, was fun in everything I did and was a huge achievement) is my dedicated Robigo Passenger run machine. I toyed with making the T-8 into that, but the Python's extra slot makes it better for Passenger Runs. I don't repair the paint job ever on this ship, it's done some space mileage and I want it to show.

Clipper again I ran several different configurations, hauler with a punch, Frag Machine etc. Built it as a cool-running Mega Ship stealth attacker with Rapid-Fire Pulse Lasers, and retaining the cool-running aspect, now toying with Torps on it in the near future.

FAS was hella fun, loved flying that. Probably finished off more enemy ships with a boost "boop" than anything else, wicked hull strength.
I fitted that with 4 Shock Cannons for utter lols a good few years back and leaving them on there in the hopes FDEV one day allow them to be engineered (even to G1) to make them a bit more viable, rather than something people don't even bother with (like the Mining Lance, but worse). Also has an Iridescent paint job.

Gunship I use pretty often. I tried so many different loadouts on it, it's a bit of fun Gunboat. my main SLF ship with one Guardian SLF and a Condor and now back to Multi-Cannons/Enforcers for maximum dakka.

My Chief has been my super fun mess-about combat ship for ages, I've tried so many loadouts on that one. Efficient killing machine is easy with this ship, so I have a PagFrag/Frag loadout on that now. APA/Enforcer, was fun and I have that as a ready switch when messing about with mates, Multis/Cytos I wasn't a fan of.

Mamba I bought with the intent on Assassinations. Huge Beam to strip shields and then Frags. It's my Wing Assasination build now.

Python MkII is a quad APA bit of fun, nice just to use as target practice and when with mates.

Two Krait MkII's. One is kitted for AX and the other as an all-Guardian Tech combat vessel. Don't use the latter.

iEagle is kitted for pure speed, like my other ViperIII.

T-8 I tried to replace my Python as a Robigo runner, and even a Miner but it wasn't up to the cut compared to what I had with my Pythons. It was more on par and a sidegrade than anything else, so it became my Titan zone material collector and runs cool.

Corvette is my "destroy everything" ship. Use it for CZ's, high threat Signal Sources or when messing about with mates. Has an SLF. Iridescent paint job.

Cutter was used as a Miner during Lockdown occasionally, otherwise was my 750t hauler for PP modules before 2.0. Iridescent paint job on this.

Got a T-10 with Iridescent paint job I tried using as a Miner but didn't feel it.
Got a buncha T-10's later as module/weapons storage, but my module storage ships don't really count (I have 105 ships total, most of them are for module/weapon storage though. Vipers/Cobras and Vultures for cheaper weapon storage, Dropships for modules, then I bought T-10's to bring my fleet size down, but haven't had time to port them all over yet).

T-9 I got when they made it carry more than the Cutter, was gonna use it for trading but it became module storage.

Have an Anaconda I bought waaaaay late, never really liked them. Tried it out and it's module storage.

Other than the module storage ships, I won't get rid of them. They all hold sentimental value to me and memories behind them all.
They all have their own personalities and quirks.
I'll use different ships with different friends I play with, some that never really played much else and are with the ships we had at the time, so I use the ship/s we used to fly around in together, some I use to entice friends to play a little more with their "oooh" factor but I like them all.

I was the same in GTA, had soooooooo many vehicles. :ROFLMAO:
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