Flight HUD and orbit lines Customization

Itemized and flexible parameters to adjust the graphic interface of the HUD in-flight. It initially occurred to me that having the orbit lines be dimmable as opposed to just on/off would make the overall look of any type of extended flight (supercruise) more visually appealing, but upon examination, I realized that there are about 20 or so elements of the visual HUD overlay that could be customizable, and perhaps even augmented so that when you make hotkey type changes (like activating/deactivating orbit lines) the lines could fade in/out from their OFF State to their ON State (which would be an arbitrary visibility/brightness setting of your choice). Potentially you could even add visual heads up elemens like power DISTRO pips or target ident/shield status, even your own shields or your wingmate status, where they can benefit your flight.
EDHM is brilliant. And it does look like it does something with orbit lines but I haven't tried it:

With EDHM, you can customize your orbit lines, but you can't change them via a keybind live in-game. What you can change in-game with EDHM, however:
  • toggle the shield display (useful for shieldless ships)
  • toggle the white radar echos on the main radar grid
  • toggle bloom effects
  • panel shadows: cycle between 3 different brightness levels
  • ambient cabin lights: cycle between 6 different brightness levels
  • radar grid: cycle between 4 different brightness levels
EDHM and EDHM UI are awesome.
Thank you for enduring this infomercial.
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